我公司常年大量回收各类二手电子测试仪器的同时也在专业承接仪器维修,新旧仪器销售业务。公司回收销售仪器范围:各类无线电综合测试仪,网络分析仪,信号源,音频分析仪,频谱仪,示波器,光衰减器,电源,测试夹具,传输分析仪,万用表,电子负载,视频分析仪,逻辑分析仪,射频阻抗分析仪,LCR 表,微波频率计,通用频率计,各类示波器,功率计. 我公司主要经营以下品牌:福禄克、泰克、惠普Agilent、利达、健伍、日立、松下、爱得万、目黑、岩崎、安立、菊水、惠美、马可尼、金进、固纬、泰仕等. My company substantial annual Electronics Recycling all kinds of second-hand test equipment is also a professional to undertake repair equipment, old and new equipment sales. Recycling equipment company sales range: all kinds of radio General tester, network analyzer, signal generator, audio analyzer, spectrum analyzer, oscilloscope, optical attenuator, power, test fixture, transmission analyzers, multimeters, electronic loads, video analyzer , logic analyzers, RF Impedance Analyzer, LCR table, microwave frequency meter, frequency meter Universal, various types of oscilloscopes, power meter. My company mainly engaged in the following brands: Fluke, Tektronix, Hewlett-Packard Agilent, Lida, Kenwood, Hitachi, Panasonic, love a million, Meguro, Iwasaki, Anritsu, Kikusui, Emi, Marconi, Kim Jin, solid Wei,泰仕such.