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关 键 词:通风
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艾特水濂蒸发式冷却通风系统的原理: 将厂房四周(包括天花板)全部密闭,使厂内空气与外界完全隔绝,根据厂房的具体情况(比如厂房的结构,厂内机台种类等一系列因数)经过专业人员设计后,在厂房的一端安装上排风扇,将厂内的全部热气、废气等抽出厂外;在安装排风扇相对的另一段安装水濂式降温系统,启动风扇后,利用厂房内所产生的负压气流,吸引外界新鲜空气穿过水濂片(由蜂巢状的特殊纸类制造),空气与水濂片表面的水分惊醒充分的热交换后进入室内,空气的温度被降低,从而达到室内的降温效果,这种系统称为水濂蒸发式冷却通风系统,即负压式通风系统。 In the ventilation system, fresh cool air is brought into the building and the hot air is exhausted out of the opposite and of the building through fans. Exhausted warm air and controlling the cool air coming in creates ”negative static pressure” which allows for climate control. This is also referred as a “closed ventilation system” . it is imperative that fresh air is brought in through inlets (cooling), not simple doors or windows. Roofs and walls can also be insulated to reduce the effect of heat radiated from the sun. AERAT’s professional installation team will design the system according to the schematics of each individual factory. 系统使用范围广泛,适合场所: 1. 工业方面:注塑、压注、橡胶、喷涂、电镀、丝印、玩具、电子、家电、鞋类、印刷、食品加工、纺织、制衣、漂染、洗衣房等厂房和车间; 2. 农业方面:养鸡场、养猪场等蓄牧业场地、园艺业及温室种植园; 3. 其它:有污染性气体或气味浓烈、粉尘较小的场所以及需排气与换气的场所。 AERAT ventilation system can be used in the following scenarios: 1. In the Industrial sector: Injection Molding Factories, Rubber Factories, Plating Factories, silk- screen Factories, Toy Factories, Electron Factories, shoes Factories, Printing Factories, Foodstuff Factories, Weave Factories, Clothes Factories, Blanch & Dye Workshop, wash houses, and so on. 2. In the Agricultural Sector: Poultry houses, Pig houses, Gardening Fields and Greenhouse Plantations. 3. In the other workshop areas: locations that have potent smelling areas, areas that contain powders and dust, and places need continuous filtration of air.