联系人:宗桢 先生 总经理
YS - 3000型 集多年商标剪折经验,改良设计而成,剪折质量好、速度快,冷热切均可,本机切刀中置,下切时较平衡,有效的延长了切刀的使用寿命换商标调长度时不需工具手工操作即可,配备光电检测系统错位停机,剪折后三种型态商标全部向下排列,取料方便,排列整齐。可配备无推线印标电子推头,*由PLC控制。 YS - 3000 The machine succeeds several years cutting - folding equipment deelop experience. Textile or printed trade mark both can be cut and fold . The machine can cut , end- fold ,centerfold ,mitrefold . When trade mark is installed on the machine . It can be automatically fed , cut , fold , disposed on the machine . It has good effect and fast speed . Also the trade mark can be cool or thermo-treated . The cutter of machine is placed in center position . It can effectively extend cutter's Life . To change trade mark type or adjust length need not speclal tools , manual operation is ok . The trade marks are all downward disposed after folding . It is easy for next step operation . With photoelectrlcal check system , machine can be stop automatically when it cut wrong position . Machine's operations are all under control of PLC.