! 上海申瓯印刷有限公司拥有国际寻求优秀的设备。高水准的技和完善的内部管理。并已通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。 公司新厂房占地面积5000米,建筑面积2000平方米,职工总人数200人,其中有印前,印刷,印后专业技术人员80余人。现有主要生产设备:德国海德堡四色机,日本小森四色胶印机,闽台全自动模切机,烫金机,糊盒机,复膜机,瓦楞机。印前拥有“电脑制版和日本“网屏”照排机等先进设备/*为您服务。 公司系中国包装印刷协会理事单位,商标印前*单位,书,报刊印前单位,主要印刷礼品盒,吸塑卡,贴体包装卡,书刊,挂历。广告画册,手提袋,不干胶商标吊牌等中高档产品。 shanghaiShenou Print Co,Ltd. Is a urban enterprise of print industry, a company of “nonoring contract,being as good as iword’.a customer trustful firm. The Co has obtained the certificate of ISO9001 international quality system The company’s new workshop covers an area of 5000 square meters and construction area 2000 square meters, have a workforce of over 200 sraff members. Among them have 80 members are professionsl staff of preceding print , print and after print .Present mainproduction equipment have Germany Heidelberg Offset point Machine. Japan Komori sheet-fed Offet Press, Offset Press 2508, Heidelberg GTO, Taiwan automatic Creasing and Cutting machine, Gilding machine, Bronzing machine, Sealing bag machine.Combination machine,computerized paper cutter machine, ps plate vacuum printing down frame preceding print habe prepress output, Xcalibur VLF,SREEN4300 We serve you with international topping equipment, high technology and perfect inner administration system Shenou is syndic member of China Packing ISOC,appointment of brand print and the press. Main print service are gift boxes, alcohol boxes, cigarette case, drug case, fich kinds of milling and aluminum foil boxes, books and periodicals , hangcalendar, advertising brochure, handle bag and viseid brand etc secondly or top grade products. 敬业奉献——是申瓯的精神 Tesponsibility is the spirit of Shenou Co. 优质高效——是申瓯的宗旨 High quality and effect is the tener of Shenou Co 顾客满意——是申瓯的心愿 Customer Satisfaction is the wish of Shenou Co 我们将竭诚与您携手共创新世纪的辉煌! We will build new century’s resplendence hand inhand wholeheartedly with you ¬ 厂址:徐家宅路143号2号楼(浩翔都市工业园区内) 电话:021—56310785 021—56901980 传真:021—56971986 MSN/email: 联系人:曾和平 手机;