品牌:RETZ/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005…… 气动真空(压力)球阀是适用于真空系统中接通或切断管路中的介质流。该阀以压缩空气为动力,通过控制气动元件来改变气路方向,推动活塞齿条、齿轮的机械运动,以角行程输出扭矩来驱动球阀作启闭运动。阀门为直通式,靠球面密封,因而既能用在真空状态下,也能在低压状态下使用,并可任意位置安装。气缸分为双作用和单作用(弹簧复位),可选配反馈信号装置及电气阀门定位器。Pneumatic vacuum (pressure) ball valve is suitable for connecting or cutting off the medium flow in pipelines in vacuum systems. The valve is powered by compressed air and changes the direction of the air circuit by controlling the pneumatic components, driving the mechanical movement of the piston rack and gear, and outputting torque through angular stroke to drive the ball valve for opening and closing motion. The valve is a straight through type, sealed by a spherical surface, which can be used in both vacuum and low-pressure conditions, and can be installed in any position. The cylinder is divided into double acting and single acting (spring return), and can be optionally equipped with feedback signal devices and electrical valves 进口气动高真空球阀产品特点 1、密封结构设计独特,漏率可达到<1×10-10Pa.M3/S,改变了球阀不能满足高真空、超高真空的现状; 2、开关扭矩小,配置气动执行器小,工作稳定、可靠; 3、结构紧凑,重量轻,外形简洁、美观; 4、该阀既能适用高真空,又能适用一定的正压力下 使用; 5、由于球阀全通导,又能达到超高真空要求,所以 也能适用于加速器真空系统。 进口气动高真空球阀主要性能 泄漏率:1.3×10-9Pa.M3/S; 压力范围:5×10-7Pa~0.6Mpa 工作温度:-30℃~+232℃ 气源压力:4~0.6 Mpa 工作介质:水、蒸气、酸、碱 规格尺寸:DN10-DN200 安装位置:任意 使用寿命:≥20000次 进口气动高真空球阀执行器参数 执行器型号:GT、AT、AR、AW系列单双作用气动执行器 供气压力:0.4~0.7MPa 气源接口:G1/4"、G1/8"、G3/8"、G1/2" 环境温度:-30~+70℃ 作用形式:单作用执行机构:气关式(B)--失气时阀位开(FO);气开式(K)--失气时阀位关(FC) 双作用执行机构:气关式(B)--失气时阀位保持(FL);气开式(K)-- 失气时阀位保持(FL) 可配附件:定位器、电磁阀、空气过滤减压器、保位阀、行程开关、阀位传送器、手轮机构等