品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口焊接式气动角座阀靠压缩气体控制阀门开关,通常用于短时间频繁启动,具有反应灵敏,动作准确,具有大流量,无水击、无噪声、无水锤、密封性能可靠等优点,是自动控制系统中常见的管路开关阀retz Welded pneumatic angle seat valves rely on compressed gas to control valve opening and closing. They are usually used for short and frequent starts, with sensitive response, accurate action, high flow rate, no water hammer, no noise, reliable sealing performance, and other advantages. They are common pipeline on-off valves in automatic control systems 进口焊接式气动角座阀工作原理 Working principle 在非工作的状态时,由于弹簧力作用,阀门常闭(开) 当执行器活塞呗压缩气体作用时,阀门打开(关闭) 特点Characteristics of pneumatic flange angle seat valve Y 型内腔设计,流量比普通阀门大30 %以上;超长使用寿命Y-shaped inner cavity design, the flow is more than 30% larger than that of ordinary valves; Long service life 阀杆采用V 型密封,保证阀门在长时间运转后仍能完好无损The valve rod adopts V-shaped seal to ensure that the valve is still intact after long-term operation 加长防锤形导向和防尘密封圈Extended spindle guide and wiper seal. 阀座设置一定的角度,从而在阀门打开时提供尽可能大的流量。The valve seat is set at an angle to provide the greatest possible flow when the valve is opened 当阀门处于打开状态时,通过执行器顶端的视窗可以看到红色的位置指示杆。When the valve is open, the red position indicator can be seen through the window at the top of the actuator 自动调节双层填料密封盖Self-adjusting, double packing glands. 易安装Easy to install 反应敏捷Fast Response 水击作用极小Water hammer-free 汽控接口可在360°上任意选定位置Motor control interface on the 360°Random designation position 无水击作用(流向阀座下)Water hammer-free (Flow below seat) 进口焊接式气动角座阀参数 阀体材质:304/316 气缸材质:PAC(聚酰胺)、304 阀芯密封:PTFE、FKM 阀门的工作压力应位于 0~16/25Bar ,(蒸汽介质在 180℃C时,工作压力为0~10 Bar) 介质温度∶ -10℃ ~180℃ 介质粘度∶≤600cst(mm²/s) 规格尺寸:DN10-DN80 典型应用-- 啤酒饮料罐装设备、加药设备及医疗设备、高温灭菌 化工行业、印染纺织、机械设备、发泡机械 、蒸汽系统、热油循环 氢气、氨气、燃气、气体工业 水/污水处理 适用介质:水,酒精,油品,蒸汽,燃气,气体,液体,乳品饮料,药液有机溶剂,酸碱容剂等