品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……内螺纹气动角座阀外部先进导角座阀,溢流口与滑块间有自动调节密封压盖,阀体角座结构可实现较大流量,特别是与普通截止阀相比时 retz The internal thread pneumatic angle seat valve is equipped with an external advanced guide angle seat valve, and there is an automatically adjustable sealing gland between the overflow port and the slider. The valve body angle seat structure can achieve a large flow rate, especially when compared to ordinary globe valves 进口内螺纹气动角座阀工作原理 Working principle 在非工作状态时,由于弹簧力作用,阀门常闭(开)。当执行器活塞被压缩气体作用时,阀门打开(关闭)。双作用形式靠压缩气体控制阀门开关。 When not in operation, the valve is usually closed (open) due to the action of spring force. When the actuator piston is compressed with gas, the valve opens (closes). Double acting form relies on compressed gas to control valve opening and closing 进口内螺纹气动角座阀特点 流量大、流阻小、无水锤 Y型设计,增加30%流量 超长使用寿命 阀杆自动校正,自润滑,免维护 气缸采用不锈钢材质,在恶劣的环境中更加优秀,可360°旋转 进口内螺纹气动角座阀参数 阀体材质:304/316 气缸材质:PAC(聚酰胺)、304 阀芯密封:PTFE、金属密封等(特殊定制除外) 阀杆密封:PTFE/FKM 活塞密封:FKM/NBR 介质温度:-20~250℃(高温高压请来电提供详细工况 进行选配) 气源压力:0.4~0.8Mpa 安装 :根据需要安装,尽量使执行机构朝上 阀门特点:动作平稳可靠、安装简便、响应时间快而灵活、工作寿命长、压差等级高,零泄漏、附件安装方便 应用领域:广泛应用于空分VPSA、制氮、制氧、食品饮料灌装、生物制药、污水处理、模温机、高管模温机、锅炉厂、玻璃厂、塑料挤出机、搅拌、造纸等等行业. 适用介质:水、气体、油品、酸/碱溶液等