品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于机械设备和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口刚性联轴器是一种扭转刚性的联轴器,即使承受负载时也无任何回转间隙,即便是有偏差产生负荷时,刚性联轴器还是刚性传递扭矩 刚性联轴器分为凸缘联轴器、径向键凸缘联轴器、套筒联轴器、夹壳联轴器和平行轴联轴器 凸缘联轴器:利用螺栓联接两半联轴器的凸缘以实现两轴联接的联轴器 径向键凸缘联轴器:利用径向键和普通螺栓联接两半联轴器的联轴器 套筒联轴器:利用公用套筒以某种方式联接两轴的联轴器 夹壳联轴器:利用两个沿轴向剖分的夹壳以某种方式夹紧以实现两轴联接的联轴器 平行轴联轴器:利用中间盘通过销轴以实现两平行轴联接的联轴器 进口刚性联轴器产品用途 Product use 1.应用广泛固定式刚性联轴器,结构简单,工作性能可靠,传递转矩打.拆装方便 The most widely used fixed rigid coupling has simple structure, reliable working performance, transmission torque, and convenient disassembly 2.适应于刚性连接传递扭矩的工作场合 Suitable for working situations where rigid connections transmit torque 进口刚性联轴器结构特点 Structural features 结构简单,工作性能可靠,传递转矩大,装拆方便 Simple structure, reliable working performance, large transmission torque, and convenient assembly and disassembly GY型利用铰制孔螺栓对中,装拆不沿轴向移动 GY type uses reamed hole bolts for centering, and assembly and disassembly do not move along the axial direction GYS型凹凸榫对中,加工方便,但装拆要沿轴向移动 GYS type concave and convex tenon alignment is convenient for processing, but assembly and disassembly require axial movement 轴孔型式也可以是锥孔 The shaft hole type can also be a tapered hole 轴孔键槽形式按GB/T3852-1997规定 The form of shaft hole keyway shall be in accordance with GB/T3852-1997 RETZ(瑞茨)刚性联轴器涵盖了进口夹壳联轴器、进口铝合金刚性夹紧式联轴器、进口不锈钢顶丝式刚性联轴器(DN)、进口不锈钢顶丝式刚性联轴器(DNG)、进口凸缘联轴器