本届展会既是重要的涂料行业博览会,又是重要的涂料行业成品、原材料和设备展览会之一, 是中国及亚太地区久负盛名的涂料行业盛会。 中国国际涂料博览会自 1995 年届至今已经成功举办 了二十一届,展览范围覆盖整个涂料及相关 产业链领域,已成为涂料界的集宣传、产品展示、信息交流、业务拓展等功能为一体的重要平台,广泛吸引涂料及相关产业链企业的积参与。 ●涂料制造商倾情参展,联手各大地方涂协,打造更 大涂料展 ● Building a larger coatings show in the world with global top coatings manufacturers' participation in association with various major local coatings associations
●“质量发展,科技赋能”与“十四五”倡导的科技创新、量 发展相契合 ● "Quality Development, Technology Enablement" is in line with technological innovation and high-quality development proposed for the 14th Five-Year Plan ● Over 20 years of exhibition
●“产学研高校专区”亮相,着力推进产学研用一体化进程 ● "Industry-university-research Area for Universities" to be launched for the first time to promote the course of industry-universityresearch-use integration
●涂料行业供应链与产业链齐聚一堂 ● International professional exhibition management team and marketing team 绿色涂料:涂料(水性涂料、无溶剂涂料、高固体分涂料、粉末涂料、固化涂料等环境友好型涂料、建筑涂料、工业涂料、 特种涂料、高性能涂料等)