产品数量:2000000吨 个
关 键 词:天津拉挤纱生产厂家
行 业:
特征: 硅烷型浸润剂处理 具有良好的耐磨性,毛丝少 纤维线密度稳定,具有高的单丝强度 可赋予复合材料高的物理化学性能、电气(绝缘)性能 Features: good tensile force and excellent integrity have excellent filament endurable for abrading and low fuzz filament density steady, great filament tensile force easy wet out and impregnating and compatible with unsaturated polyester resin. 应用: 广泛应用于帐篷竿、玻璃钢门窗等产品。 Application: Widely used for tent pole,FRP doors and windows etc. 包装:合股无捻粗纱,每个纱团用聚乙烯塑料袋进行包装,然后放入托盘或纸箱,每个托盘可码放48个或64个纱团,每个纱团重量17-20kg。可根据用户要求增加纱团重量。托盘堆高不大于2层,纸箱堆高不大于5层。 订货时请注明: ◎产品代号 ◎粗纱Tex值 ◎订货总重量 ◎包装方式 ◎如有特殊要求请注明 Package: each direct roving roll covering by shrinkage membrane or drawing membrane, then placed into cardboard box or set on pallet. Each pallet can stack 48 or 64 rolls .each roll weight is 15-18kg. It is can increasing roll weight according to customer requirements. Pallet stack shall no be higher than 2 layers, cardboard box shall no be higher than 5 layers. please remark followings in purchasing order: ◎ product code ◎roving TEX ◎quantity ◎packaging requirement ◎special needs can meet according to customer requirements. 贮存:产品应堆放于干燥凉爽处,如若不用,请勿打开包装物或扎紧包装口,以免受潮。 Storage: Product shall be placed under dryness condition and shall no be open the covering membrane until applying.