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关 键 词:礼品
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用途:家居酒店装饰、馈赠送礼 描绘在岩石上的美丽图案,给您的博古架上增添亮丽风景!本品不褪色,图案不脱落,可用水洗,湿布擦拭! 岩 画 简 介 早在人类还过着茹毛饮血生活的时候,就开始创作与欣赏岩画了。凡是史前先民足迹所到之处岩画无所不在:从险峻的高加索山崖,到神秘的美洲洞穴,到茫茫上午中东旷野...一幅幅鲜活的岩画跃然石上,有表现紧张的狩猎场面,有表现欢快的歌舞景象,有表现庄严肃穆的宗教氛围...永远铭刻人类童年的笑脸,闪耀着人类灵性的光辉。是岩画宣告了人类脱离蒙昧与野蛮,是岩画标志着人类奔向和追求美的起点。 Rock Painting Human beings have been painting on rocks since the beginning of time. Wherever our ancestors left their footprints on this vast planet,from Africa to Asia, from Europe to the Americas, one can find pictographic rock paintings depicting scenes of daily life, both mundane and spiritual .In fact ,rock art was what set us apart from the animals with whom we shared the land eons ago.The celebration of spirit and life found in rock art is the evidence of our humanity. Today prehistoric rock art provides a window on a time when human beings were just beginning to take their first bold steps into an unknown future.The Lingfeng Group acknowledge the debt owed to those who have come before us and are honured to follow in the footsteps of our forebearers