恒星服装纸样立式切绘一体机 ◆国内一家开发出立式服装纸板切割机--立式切割机(又称服装CAD立式切绘一体机),并拥有真正的知识产权和**技术。 ◆ 主控制器采用工业级32位高速嵌入式CPU,具有运算速度快、集成度高、可靠性强之特点 ◆ 绘图算法先进:集成3000种特征图形库并结合先进运动数学模型,可以高速流畅地绘制复杂曲线、斜线。 ◆ 数据输出速度快:较高输出速度为80000转/秒,绘图/切割输出速度可达1200mm/秒。 ◆ 传输速度高:9600-115200可任选,较高可以支持115200bps。 ◆ 抗静电能力强:特有的防静电模式可以比普通绘图仪耐受数倍的静电干扰 ◆ 并行处理任务能力:在绘制过程中可以同时完成坐标显示、线段绘制中途暂停、加工速度、加工时间显示、可以在线升级程序。 ◆ 人性化菜单设置:完善的功能赋予操作者以较大的灵活性,能够让操作者自由选择传输速度、流程控制、文字显示、 抬落刀时间、试绘图形、干燥地区的防静电模式等。 ◆专业结构: 进口均衡直线导轨, ◆适用纸范围60-300克,既是一台切割机也是一台绘图机,一机两用。 Apparel Cutting Plotter 1. The first company to develop the Apparel Cutting Plotter (also called the CAD cutting/plotting machine), and preserve the intellectual property and also the patent technology. 2. Main control equipment applies technical grade high-speed 32-bit embedded CPU, with the advantage of high operating speed, high integration level and high reliability. 3. Advanced drawing arithmetic :with integration of 3000 kinds of characterized graphics and union of advanced motional mathematics model, can draw complicated curves and biases quickly and smoothly. 4. High data outputting speed: the max. outputting speed is 80000 turns/second, and the max. cutting/plotting speed can reach 1200mm/s. 5. High transferring speed: choose between 9600-115200, supports the max. speed of 11520bps. 6. High anti-static capacity: the special anti-static mode can endure times of static disturb. 7. Parallel processing capacity: during the plotting process can also support coordinate performance, pause, and also the performance of operating speed and time, also supporting online updating. 8. human-friendly menu: perfect function provides the operator great advantage on freely choosing among the functions transferring speed/flow control/language performance/ pen up-down time/ test graphics and anti-static mode in the dry areas. 9. Professional structure: imported balanced linear bearing. 10. Acceptable paper media: 60-300g/m2. Double purpose machine: working both as a cutter and as a plotter. 型号 HC-1400A HC-1700A HC-1900A 绘图宽度 1200mm 1500mm 1700mm 可用笔 圆珠笔 可用刀 进口**切割刀 较大卷纸重量 40KG 适用纸张 60—300克白纸/牛皮卡纸 液晶 8个汉字、双行显示、中/英文菜单切换显示 电机 微步细分恒流步进电机 笔/刀压 0—500克 绘图/切割速度 1200mm/s 机械分辨率 0.0254mm(0.001in) 数据缓存大小 1M—4M 硬件接口 RS-232(串口),USB(选配) CPU DSP控制处理器 命令格式 兼容DMPL、HPGL和HPGL-2语言格式 电源 AC220V/110V(±15%) 工作环境湿度 35%-75%(无凝水) 有无脚架&收送纸系统 有 质量认证:ISO9001:2000质量管理体系、欧洲CE、美国FDA、