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关 键 词:ncss说明书
行 业:IT 软件 教学管理软件
CUSUM Charts EWMA Charts Moving Average Charts Individuals and Moving Range Charts Levey-Jennings Charts P Charts NP Charts C Charts U Charts Analysis of Runs Capability Analysis
Follow these basic steps to install NCSS onto your computer system: 1. If you are installing from a CD, insert the CD in the disc drive on your computer. The installation program should start automatically. If it does not, use your file browser to explore the CD, locate the executable NCSS setup file (ends with .exe), and run the file to start the installation.
Minimum Cost Capacitated Flow Minimum Spanning Tree Shortest Route Transportation Transshipment Proportions Click here to see additional details about analysis of proportions and two-way tables in NCSS.
Cluster Randomization - Create Cluster Means Dataset Contingency Tables (Crosstabs / Chi-Square Test) Frequency Tables Box-Cox Transformation Data Screening Data Simulation Grubbs' Outlier Test Normality Tests Area Under Curve Circular Data Analysis Tolerance Intervals Descriptive Statistics - Summary Tables (Old Version) Design of Experiments Click here to see additional details about design of experiments in NCSS. Randomization Lists Balanced Incomplete Block Designs Fractional Factorial Designs Latin Square Designs