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关 键 词:hydrus学习
行 业:IT 软件 教学管理软件
不饱和土壤水文属性是由以下理论总结出来的,1980年的 Genuchten、1964年的Brooks 和Corey、1994年的Durner、1995年的Kosugi和修正的 Genuchten的型解析函数。这些修正内容对接近饱和状态的水利属性做了进一步的描述。HYDRUS软件包含了由1983年Scott et al.以及1987年Kool 和 Parker引进的结合实证模拟的滞变。 这个模型假定干燥扫描曲线是从主要干燥曲线而来的,湿润扫描曲线是从主要湿润曲线而来的。HYDRUS还包括1991年的Lenhard et al.和1992年Lenhard 和 Parker的滞变模型,它通过跟踪历史逆转点从而消除泵。
New Features: The new ObsNodCh.out output file with EC and SAR at observation nodes of the UnsatChem computational module. Export to Paraview: new array “Geo_Numbers” added to “PointData”. This array contains number of corresponding geometric nodes (or “0” if the mesh node does not have a corresponding geometric node”)
The HYDRUS program numerically solves the Richards equation for saturated-unsaturated water flow and convection-dispersion type equations for heat and solute transport.
The flow equation incorporates a sink term to account for water uptake by plant roots. The heat transport equation considers movement by conduction as well as convection with flowing water.
Parameter estimation from a cone penetrometer experiment (Gribb et al., 1998) Parameter estimation from a tension disc infiltrometer experiment (Simunek et al., 1998a) Parameter estimation from a tension disc infiltrometer experiment (Simunek et al., 1998b)
Examples demonstrating the use of the UNSATCHEM module simulating transport of major ions and their mutual interactions.