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The fill() and seq() functions are alternatives. In essence, fill() requires a minimal example that indicates the kind of sequence required, whereas seq() requires that the rule be specified through options. There are sequences that fill() can produce that seq() cannot, and vice versa. fill() cannot be combined with if or in, in contrast to seq(), which can.
Most applications of rank() will be to one variable, but the argument exp can be more general, namely, an expression. In particular, rank(-varname) reverses ranks from those obtained by rank(varname). The default ranking and those obtained by using one of the track, field, and unique options differ principally in their treatment of ties.
Panel-data ERMs Extended regression models (ERMs) were a big new feature last release. The ERM commands fit models that account for three common problems that arise in observational data—endogenous covariates, sample selection, and treatment—either alone or in combination. In Stata 16, we introduce the xteregress, xteintreg, xteprobit, and xteoprobit commands for fitting panel-data ERMs. This means ERMs can now account for the three problems we mentioned above and for within-panel correlation. These new commands fit random-effects linear, interval, probit, and ordered probit regression models. They allow random effects in one or all equations, and they allow random effects to be correlated across equations. Researchers from all disciplines who work with observational (nonexperimental) data are interested in ERMs and will be excited about the new panel-data versions of these commands. However, different disciplines talk about these models differently. Above, we referred to the problems ERMs solve as endogenous covariates, sample selection, treatment, and within-panel correlation.
Take any of the existing irt commands, add a group(varname) option, and fit the corresponding multiple-group model. For instance, type . irt 2pl item1-item10, group(female) and fit a two-group 2PL model. Group-specific means and variances of the latent trait will be estimated. Group-specific difficulty and discrimination parameters can also be estimated for one or more items. With constraints, you can specify exactly which parameters are allowed to vary and which parameters are constrained to be equal across groups. You can even use likelihood-ratio tests to compare models with and without constraints to perform an IRT model-based test of differential item functioning.
The posterior density (shown in red) is more peaked and shifted to the left compared with the prior distribution (shown in blue). The posterior distribution combined the prior information about with intro — Introduction to Bayesian analysis 3 the information from the data, from which y = 0 provided evidence for a low value of and shifted the prior density to the left to form the posterior density. Based on this posterior distribution, the posterior mean estimate of is 2=(2 + 40) = 0.048 and the posterior probability that, for example, < 0.10 is about 93%. If we compute a standard frequentist estimate of a population proportion as a fraction of the infected subjects in the sample, y = y=n, we will obtain 0 with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (y �� 1.96 p y (1 �� y)=n; y + 1.96 p y (1 �� y)=n) reducing to 0 as well. It may be difficult to convince a health policy maker that the prevalence of the disease in that city is indeed 0, given the small sample size and the prior information available from comparable cities about a nonzero prevalence of this disease.