一、技术规格: 纤维细度:3~25μm 纯 度:SiO2含量99.9%以上 二、性能: 熔点:1710℃ 析晶温度:700℃以上 耐温性:1200℃半小时开始酥化不变型 导热系数:(纤维毡状时)在200℃以下 < 0.03千卡/米•时•度 在1000℃时0.2千卡/米•时•度 抗拉能力:15.4N 抗拉强度:常温下 > 150Kg/mm2 500℃时强度减少20% 弹性模数:96×104Kg/mm2 介电常数:ε=4.5 体积电阻:(作电缆时) 常温下>1×1017Ω•cm 500℃时>1×1010Ω•cm 1000℃时>1×108Ω•cm 耐水性:在水中煮沸3小时无损失 耐酸性:在1NH2SO4煮沸3小时无损失 耐碱性:在0.5NNaOH煮沸3小时损失0.62% 三、用途: ①用于高温隔热:如火箭、导弹作隔热、防震材料或其它高温绝缘工程中。 ②用于增强塑料:与树脂合成制作高温高强度玻璃钢材料。广泛用于航空、导弹、火箭等方面。 ③特种电缆:做电缆的外包皮,用在高温特殊用途的电缆上。 ④用于高温酸碱过滤器。 ⑤用于电子管填充材料:水拉石英丝作为电子管的填充材料,以改善电子管的性能,延长电子管的寿命。 Continual quartz glass fiber Teachnical specialfections: Fiber fineness: 3 ~ 25 μ m Purity:more than 99.9 percent content of SiO2 Performance: Melting point: 1710 ℃ Crystallization temperature: 700℃ above Thermotolerant performance : 1200 ℃ half hour starts not to change form crisply. Thermal coefficient: (mat-like) in the following 200 ℃ <0.03 kcal / m at the degree In 1000 ℃ at 0.2 kcal / m at the degree Tensile capacity: 15.4 N Tensile strength: normal temperature > 150Kg/mm2 500 ℃ at the strength reduced by 20% Elastic modulus: 96 × 104Kg/mm2 Dielectric constant: ε = 4.5 Volume Resistance: (for cable) At room temperature> 1 × 1017 Ω cm 500 ℃ at > 1 × 1010 Ω cm 1000 ℃ at > 1 × 108 Ω cm Water tolerance: in the water boiled for three hours without loss Acid resistance: 1 NH2SO4 boiled in three hours without loss Alkaline resistance: 0.5 NNaOH boiled three hours loss of 0.62 percent Applying: 1、 For high-temperature insulation: such as rockets, missiles for insulation, earthquake or other high-temperature insulating materials engineering. 2、 Used for reinforced plastic: high-temperature production of synthetic resin and high-strength glass fiber reinforced plastic materials. Widely used in aviation, missiles and rockets, and so on. 3、 Special cable: use for the foreskin of the cable, used in high temperature on the special-purpose cable. 4、 Acid-base for high-temperature filters For vacuum tube filled with material: water Rafah as a quartz tube filled with silk material, in order to improve the performance of the tube,and extend the life of vacuum tube