潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司制造的全自动消火箱箱体冷弯成型设备,对很多消防器材厂来说,无疑是福音,设备改变了传统的加工模式,使得效率呈几何倍数翻翻,但我们不会就此停止,我们将更加努力的研发创新,期待未来的我们。更为行业创造更多的设备! 愿我们的客户成为的企业! 望的企业成为我们的客户! For ny firefighting equipment factories, the autotic cold-forming equipment of fire box de by Weifang OTeng Cold bending chinery Co., Ltd. is undoubtedly a good news. The equipment has changed the traditional processing mode and de the efficiency turn over in geometric multiples. But we will not stop, we will work harder on R & D innovation, looking forward to the future of us. More industry to create more quality equipment!
Wish our customers become enterprises!
The enterprise of hope becomes our customer!
潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司不只是一家生产消火栓箱箱体冷弯成型机的老牌企业。公司目前制造的各类自动化冷弯成型设备涉及十几个大类行业,为保证消火栓箱箱体冷弯设备设备高质生产,我们有着系统的技术和组织措施。 技术部: 由技术经理总协调,2名对的消防栓箱箱体冷弯设备进行设计,使设计水准得到**! 生产部: 由生产经理统筹规划,携1名计划员,合理安排各工序工作顺利开展。 售后服务部: 由售后经理统筹协调安排熟练调试人员到贵公司进行安装调试,并由调试人员负责对贵公司设备使用人员进行一系列培训。 Weifang Aoteng Cold bending chinery Co., Ltd. is not only a professional production of fire hydrant box cold forming chine. At present, all kinds of autotic cold forming equipment are involved in more than a dozen industries. In order to ensure the high efficiency and high quality production of the fire hydrant box, we he systetic technical and organizational measures.
Technical Department:
The technical nager coordinates 2 professional engineers to design the cold bending equipment of the fire hydrant box so that the design level can be guaranteed.
Production Department:
By the production nager overall planning, with a planner, reasonable arrangements for the ooth implementation of the process.
After - sales Service Department :
The after - sales nager co - ordinates and coordinates the skillful commissioning personnel to the company for installation and commissioning , and the commissioning personnel shall be responsible for a series of training for the equipment of your company .