提供INTEL FORTRAN解决方案和培训 本地化服务
产品数量:9999 个
关 键 词:提供INTEL,FORTRAN解决方案和培训
行 业:IT 软件 教学管理软件
Fortran 95 This term refers to language features specific to
ANSI/ISO Fortran 95.
Fortran 2003 This term refers to language features specific to
ANSI/ISO Fortran 2003.
Fortran 2008 This term refers to language features specific to
ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 (Fortran 2008).
Fortran 2018 This term refers to language features specific to the
Draft International Fortran standard expected to be
published late 2018 or early 2019.
The following command compiles x.for, links, and creates an executable file. This command generates a
temporary object file, which is deleted after linking:
ifort x.for
The following command compiles x.for and generates the object file x.o (Linux* and macOS*) or x.obj
(Windows*). The c option prevents linking (it does not link the object file into an executable file):
// (Linux* and macOS*)
ifort -c x.for// (Windows*)
ifort x.for /c
The following command links x.o or x.obj into an executable file. This command automatically links with
the default Intel® Fortran libraries:
// (Linux* and macOS*)
ifort x.o// (Windows*)
ifort x.obj
integer This term refers to the INTEGER(KIND=1),
and INTEGER(KIND=8) data types as a group.
INTEGER This term refers to the default data type of objects
declared to be INTEGER. INTEGER is equivalent to
INTEGER(KIND=4), unless a compiler option
specifies otherwise.
real This term refers to the REAL (REAL(KIND=4)),
REAL(KIND=16) data types as a group.
For example:
prompt> nmake /f your_project.mak FPP=ifort.exe LINK32=xilink.exe
Argument Description
/f The nmake option to specify a makefile.
your_project.mak The makefile used to generate object and executable files.
FPP The preprocessor/compiler that generates object and executable files.
(The name of this macro may be different for your makefile.)
LINK32 The linker that is used.
The nmake command creates object files (.obj) and executable files (.exe) from the information specified in
the your_project.mak makefile.