产品介绍(Products Introduction ) 一、 金属硅 工业硅又称金属硅和结晶硅,呈银灰色结晶状,性硬且脆,采用含SiO2 98.5%以上的石英石和其他材料熔炼而成。工业硅的用途较其广泛,是一种基础的工业原料,在许多行业和领域有着广泛的应用,主要用于航天、航空、电子、化工、冶炼、保温耐火材料等行业。用于生产硅橡胶、硅树脂、硅油等**硅,制造高纯半导体与配制合金等。 Ⅰ Metallic Silicon Metallic silicon which is also named as industrial silicon is silver-grey color, in crystal shape with the features of stiff and fragile. Aquartz contenting 98.5% SiO2 is the main material in producing metallic silicon. Metallic silicon has a wide range of application; it’s a kind of basic raw material in industry. This material is also applied to various fields, mainly used for aerospace, aviation, electronic, smelting and chemical industries, thermal insulating material and fire resisting material. Metallic silicon is used to produce organic silicon, such as silicone rubber, silicone resin, and silicon oil. Furthermore, metallic silicon is applied to super-purity semiconductor and alloys. 工业硅国家标准(GB 2881-91) National Standard of Industrial Silicon GB 2881-91 名称 Name 牌号 Type 化学成份(%,杂质不大于) Chemical composition (%,impurity≤ ) 应用范围 Si≥ 杂质,不大于 impurity≤ Fe Al Ca A 级 Si-A 99.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 化学用硅 chemical industry B 级 Si-B 99.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 一级 Si-1 98.5 0.6 - 0.3 冶金用硅metallurgical industry 二级 Si-2 98.0 0.7 - 0.5 三级 Si-3 97.0 1.0 - 1.0 工业硅企业标准 Standard for silicon industrial 牌号 Type 化学成份(chemical components) % Si≥ 杂质,不大于 impurity≤ Fe Al Ca Si-2202 99.5 0.2 0.2 0.02 Si-3303 99.3 0.3 0.3 0.03 Si-411 99.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 Si-421 99.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 Si-441 99.0 0.4 0.4 0.1 Si-553 98.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 二、微硅粉 产品规格:灰色粉末状,编织袋装,SiO2含量为95%,每袋重量:25kg±0.25。产品质量符合 YB/T115-1997标准。 商品描述:微硅粉(学名“硅灰”,Micro silica或Silica Fume),系在冶炼工业硅时,通过烟道排出的硅蒸汽氧化后,经特别设计的环保处理系统收集得到的无定形、粉末状的二氧化硅(SiO2)。我公司收集的微硅粉每袋包装在25公斤,使得微硅粉运输更为方便。 产品用途: 主要用于水泥或混凝土掺合料,以改善水泥或混凝土的性能,配制具有**高强(C70以上)、耐磨、耐冲刷、耐腐蚀、抗渗透、抗冻、早强的特种混凝土,用于大坝、大型水库、水电、海港码头、铁路桥梁、高速公路、飞机场跑道、隧道及**高层建筑等工程。同时,微硅粉还可以应用于耐火材料和陶瓷制品的生产,提高产品的强度和耐久性;用于油漆、涂料、树脂、橡胶及其它高分子材料填充物,能起到改善材料综合性能的目的。 Ⅱ Silica Fume Commodity: Silica fume is grey powder and packed in woven bag of 25 kg each (±0.25). The produce is qualified for the YB/T115-1997 standard. Description: silica fume (scientific name; Micro silica or silica fume) is a kind of silica dioxide (SiO2) without fixing shape. It’s the collection of flue gas from silica steam oxidation by the special designed system of environmental protection. The product is packed in 25kg per bag, so that the shipment will be more convenient. Application: Mainly used for concrete to improve its performance. With silica fume, the concrete will have the features of super strength(≥C70), corrosion resistance, anti-freeze. Then, this kind of special material is suit for building dam harbor, railway and super high-rise building. Silica fume the comprehensive performance of materials and promote strength and duality of products, when it is applied to refractory, ceramics, painting, rubber and other High Polymer Materials.