正版软件 TERRSET正版软件代理商
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关 键 词:TERRSET正版软件代理商
行 业:IT 软件 物业房地产软件
Climate Change Adaptation Modeler
The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) is suite of tools for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.
Other Improvements
COMPOSER – now adds PNG output of compositions with lossless compression. In addition, COMPOSER offers the ability to save compositions at resolutions higher than screen resolution.
MACRO MODELER – added logic operations GT (>), GTE (>=), LT (<), LTE (<=), AND, OR, XOR, NOT, EQ (=), NEQ (<>).
A wide variety of hotkeys have been added to facilitate user interaction. In addition, the user has the ability the customize the hotkey assignments.
GDAL conversion utility – adds batch import, and has been updated to GDAL Version 2.4.1
In addition to the above, many improvements have been made to the speed of existing modules through a combination of bit versions (TerrSet automatically switches depending on your operating system), algorithm changes and multithreading.
Code signing certificates have been added to every module to enhance system security.
TerrSet 地理空间监测与建模软件
TerrSet是一个集成的地理空间软件系统,用于监测和建模地球系统的可持续发展。该TerrSet系统集成了IDRISI GIS分析和IDRISI图像处理工具以及一系列垂直应用。TerrSet提供了业界范围广的地理空间工具集,且价格低廉。没有必要购买昂贵的附加组件来扩展您的研究能力。
IDRISI GIS工具集提供了300多种分析工具,主要面向光栅数据,用于操作地理空间数据集,以探索我们快速变化的世界。
TerrSet 的IDRISI图像处理系统是一套广泛的遥感图像恢复、增强、变换和分类的系统。
The IDRISI Image Processing System in TerrSet is an extensive set of procedures for image restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed imagery.