进口冷冻肉报关报检需提供自动进口许可证和其它所需资料如下: 1、代理合同、销售合同、装箱单各一式三份; 2、中文标签及原标签电子版。原标签翻译件。(或中文标签预备案书); 3、出口国卫生证(或者自由销售或者); 4、出口国产地证; 5、厂家成分分析说明; 6、熏蒸证/无木质包装声明; 7、海运/空运提单; 8、其它各口岸管理机构要求提供的单证。 进口冷冻肉需要的报检资料 Inspection information required for imported frozen meat 1.进境动植物检疫许可证预核销单 Pre check list for Quarantine License for imported animals and plants 2.国外出具的检验检疫证书正本原件 Original Inspection and Quarantine Certificate issued by Foreign Officials 3.集装箱动态表 Container dynamic table 4.进境动物源性食品货物清单及电子版 Imported animal food goods list and electronic version 5.上海口岸进境动物源性食品智能化抽采样申报表回执 Return receipt of intelligent sampling system for imported animal derived food at Shanghai port 6.进口食品承诺书 Import food safety promise 7.提单、原产地证、检验检疫证书、合同、装箱单等相关贸易单证 Bill of lading,certificate of origin,health certificate,invoice,contract,packing list and other related trade documents.