广东沛毅电器科技有限公司是由广州市宏志五金电器厂与广州志盈塑料制品有限公司联合控股的一家集研发、生产、销售、服务于一体高科技大型专业性电器公司,1992年成立于广州,公司拥有2个生产基地(广州白云区五金生产基地/广州南沙区塑料生产基地),占地面积3万平方米. Guangdong Peiyi Electric Appliances Technology Limited (Peiyi) is held by Guangzhou Hongzhi Hardware Electric Appliances Factory and Guangzhou Zhiying Plastic Products Co., Ltd. It is a high-tech large-scale professional electric company with research and development, production, sale, service as a whole. It was established in Guangzhou in 1992 and has two production bases (Guangzhou Baiyun Distric Hardware Appliance production base & Guangzhou Nansha District plastic production base), covering a total area of 30,000 square meters. 2000年成立“晨水”净水事业部,是一家专门从事水处理科学技术研究,分离膜技术及产品、家庭净水设备研发、生产、销售和服务的高科技企业集团。 In 2000, the company founded a business division named “Chenshui ” , which is a high-tech enterprise specializing in researching the science and technology of purifying water, the technology of membrane separation and products and household water purification equipment R & D, production, sale and service. 沛毅先后承担国家火炬计划、国家“十五”科技攻关计划项目,参与和承担国家863计划、国家“十一五”重大科技专项(水专项)等科研攻关任务,并获得丰硕科研成果,是全国家用电器标准化技术委员会净水器及其系统标准化工作组组长单位。 Peiyi , the leader unit of the National Committee on standardization for household electrical appliances technology water purifier and system standardization working group ,has successively taken on many research task for science and technology, such as The National Torch Plan, The National "Fifteen" science and Technology Research Projects ,The State 863 Plan , and The National "Eleven Five" Major Projects (water special item), and obtained fruitful achievements. 二十多年来,沛毅电器作为中国水处理技术的领航企业之一,公司长期坚持与中山大学、广州疾病预防控制中心等相关机构开展合作,不断提升超滤膜及净水器产品的研发水平。凭借其国际领先的新产品研发能力,公司于2003年成功开发出了中国第一台厨房净水器,标志着中国正式进入厨房水净化时代,沛毅正式成为行业领导品牌,引领中国净水器行业的发展。 For more than twenty years, aiming to constantly enhance the research and development level of ultrafiltration membrane and the water purifier products , our company ,as one of the Chinese leader enterprise, focusing on water treatment technology, adheres to cooperate with National Sun Yat - Sen University, Guangzhou Center of Disease Control and Prevention and other relevant institutions. 随着世界工业化进程加快,环境污染日趋严重,饮用水安全形势也日益严峻,让每一个人用上健康之水,已被沛毅人视为己任。创业以来,沛毅人始终坚持以“改变国人饮水现状”为使命,不断提升净水产品的研发与制造能力,向全世界输出最优质的产品和服务,让全人类分享沛毅直饮水的品味生活新主张。 With the accelerated process of industrialization in the world, the environmental pollution and the situation of drinking water are increasingly serious. Let everyone have healthy water has been taken as an important responsibility for Peiyi . Since foundation, Peiyi people have always persisted in the mission —changing the situation of fellow countrymen drinking water and constantly improved the water purified products of capability of research and development and manufacturing of water purification products so as to output the best quality products and services to the world. 沛毅研发,2002年以来,沛毅电器与中山大学成立研发小组,不断推陈出新,以用户为导向,为用户而创新,注重用户的体验,设计为用户而生。 Since 2002, the company and National Sun Yat - Sen University have set up the research and development team to design the new products meshing the research and consumer demand. 沛毅销售,营销事业部独立运营,成立海外销售部,国内市场部,以招商、代理、OEM等合作模式携手海内外有志并认同于“改变现状、健康饮水”理念的人士共商大业。 The marketing division of our company operates independently and we establish the overseas sales department and the domestic market department. We cooperate with all the like-minded people who agree to the concept of changing the status quo and healthy drinking water, based on the patterns of attracting investment, acting as procurator, OEM and so on.