株洲金泰硬质合金有限公司成立于2001年,是硬质合金原材料、硬质合金制成品的专业生产厂家。 ???? ?公司拥有先进的硬质合金生产及检测设备,聘请国内知名的硬质合金专家顾问,并引进大批专业技术人员,拥有先进的生产加工工艺,强大的科研研发团队,是集硬质合金生产研发,销售,技术服务为一体的专业硬质合金生产厂家,从2005年至今,公司连续获得株洲市“诚信企业”光荣称号。 ??????公司主要生产加工各类硬质合金焊接刀片,机夹刀片,冲压模具,长条薄片,模具板材,钨钢圆棒,采掘工具,木工刀片,机加锯齿,耐磨零件等,同时,可根据用户提供的图纸或样品生产加工各类非标硬质合金。产品畅销国内,远销欧美,东南亚等多个国家和地区。 ??????公司秉承“质量第一,用户第一,技术领先,诚信经营”的方针;坚持“因为专业,所以卓越”的经营理念,产品质量受到广大用户的一致好评,竭诚欢迎海内外朋友来我司洽谈合作,我们竭力为您提供优质的产品及完美的服务。 ? Zhuzhou Jintai Cemented Carbide Co., Ltd., is founded in 2001. It is a manufacturer of tungsten carbide powder and tungsten carbide products. Our company has advanced techniques and equipments, having hired famous experts and professionals, with producing and processing techonology, testing skills and a team of techinical service. Since 2005, our company has won “Integrity Enterprise”in Zhuzhou city. We are specialized in tungsten carbide brazed tips, TC indexable inserts, TC molds, TC strips, TC plates, TC rods, TC mining tools, TC woodworking blades, TC saw tips and TC wear parts. Meanwhile, customized products are available due to your drawings or samples. Our products have spread not in domestic but in the whole world, including South-east Asia, Europe and America with a good reputation. Our Policy--Quality and Customer First, Technology-advanced, Management Honestly. Our Principle—Profession leads to excellence. Our products are spoken highly of by numourous clients due to our products quality and considerate service. Sincerely welcome domistic and overseas clients to visit our company for cooperation!