广东天一美家家居集团有限公司简介 “天一美家” 家居集团—— 全球家具工程顶级服务商。挟改革开放东风,集团前身——天一美家家具公司上世纪末创立于广东深圳。历经十余年持续高速发展,成就事业辉煌,经营触角遍及珠三角、长三角、环渤海及中原大地,现已崛起成为享誉业内外的跨区域跨行业跨经营模式的集销售、制造、设计、服务为一体的着名家居品牌企业。 Tianyi Furnishings Group is top service provider of global furniture engineering. As the policy of reform and opening up, the Group predecessor ---Tianyi furniture company founded in Shenzhen, Guangdong on the end of the last century. Over ten years of rapid development,the group has become a famous furnishings enterprise over Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, Circus-Bohai-Sea, and the Central Plains earth in the field of selling,manufacturing, design and service. 集团总部大厦坐落于被誉为中国“家具之都”的东莞厚街。集团下辖商业、工业两大系统。 商业系统拥有北京、上海、深圳、宁波、顺德、东莞及信阳七家分公司,拥有Formitalia、Volpi、爱舍、澳瑞、A&X、索菲亚等国内外百余个一线高端家具品牌,产品风格涵盖古典、新古典、现代、后现代、欧式、美式、明清红木、新中式、东南亚休闲式;品类延伸至办公、儿童、户外等。商场经营面积逾十二万平米,是目前全国最具规模的专业家居服务商。 The group headquarters is located in Houjie Dongguan, which is known as a town of furniture. The group includes business and industry two systems. Business System: seven branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Shunde, Donguan, and Xinyang, owns over one hundred brands from home and abroad,such as Formitalia, Volpi. Excel Home, Aurealo, A&X, Sofia. Styles like Classical,Neo-classical, Modern, Post-modern,European, American, Rosewood, Neo-chinese and South-east asia are included. The business area counts over 120000 square meters. 工业系统拥有东莞、深圳、信阳等六家设计研发实力雄厚、设施齐全、设备先进的大中型生产基地;拥有优秀的经营、管理、设计、技术、制造人才和销售团队一千三百余人;生产经营场地面积超三十万平米。旗下拥有天一窗业、天一红、T&Y、皇家美柚、三希堂、柚至尊六大自主品牌。 Industry System:it has six production manufacturing bases in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Xinyang with high power of design and research, complete and advanced equipment. Over 1300 employees workers are professed in operating, managing, design, technology, and manufacturing,and selling. Self-owned brand are Tianyi Windows industry, Tianyi Rosewood, T&Y, Royal Teak, Sanxi Hall, and Grand Teak. 集团经营定位于为星级酒店、别墅公寓、主题会所及高端私家客户。凭借多年来丰富行业经验的积累和沉淀,以领先于同行的各类优质资源以及超前的国际视野设计理念,在为顾客提供家具、软装设计方案和家居饰品配套的整体化陈设服务领域取得了骄人业绩,博得客户一致青睐和行业高度认同。 The market positioning of Tian Yi Mei Jia is in hotel, club, model houses and high-end private customers, rely on advance thought and a variety of industry advantage resources, human resource advantage, operating management advantage, and international design ideas, had got impressive performance in the areas of providing customers furniture, soft ornaments design project ,home furnishing integration display service, which won itself high approve from customers. 面对新的发展机遇与挑战,“天一人”不懈追求,执着奋进,秉承“专业、服务、诚信、感恩、分享”的经营理念,致力于将“个性奢华、惬意享受、卓尔不凡”的家居生活方式奉献给更多信赖支持我们的客户。 Tian Yi Mei Jia people will insist on pursuit, continue to forge ahead, obedience to the operation principle of“profession, service, honest, thanksgiving, share”, dedicate at offering “personality luxurious, be satisfied at enjoying, rise above the common herd, quality taste ”as a tribute to the customers. Maximizing the benefit and value for them. 集团以前瞻思维顺应产业转移大趋势,抢占新的发展制高点。天一美家家居文化创意产业园于2013年落户河南“信阳家居小镇”。项目占地面积500亩,总建筑面积约40万平米,总投资近12亿元。产业园A区“天一窗业”的第一条现代化全自动门窗生产线于2014年12月建成投产,采用德国、意大利设备,引进意大利设计和工艺,专业生产节能、隔音、保温、环保的铝包木窗、木包铝窗、锻条铝窗产品;区内“天一红”红木家具生产线亦于2015年5月投入运营。 Conform to the main trend of industry transformation, the Group seizes the highest key of developing. Tianyi Furnishings Cultural and Creative Industry Park opened in 2013 in the furnishing town of Xinyang Hernan province. The projects covers an area of 500 mu with 400000 square meters gross building area, costing a total investment of 1.2 billion RMB. Industry Park A, Tianyi Windows Industry, is the first modern full-automatic production line founded in December 2014. It adopts German and Italy equipment, and introduces Italian design and artwork to produce professional energy conservation,sound insulation heat preservation and environmental products including wood window, aluminium window and so on. The production line of Tianyi Rosewood in this park will be put into operation in June 2015. 天一美家家居文化创意产业园的建成与投产,标志着天一美家业已步入多元化发展新模式,且开始接轨国际化。 The foundation and operation of Tianyi Furnishings Cultural and Creative Park marked that Tianyi is stepping into a new developing model and is in line with internationalization. 天一生水,生生不息。 Tianyi give birth to water, continuous reproduction breed in an endless succession. 业绩,成就,荣誉……已然成为过去。天一美家人瞩目未来,决心在为顾客为社会创造更多价值的同时,在“泛舟沧海,立马昆仑”文化愿景指引下,以生生不息的创业精神、精进不止的创新精神驱动企业在良性快速发展道路上继续高歌猛进! All achievements, success and honor have past. Tianyi decides to create much social value for customers. Meanwhile, under the idea of “boating on the sea, limitless scene; ride a horse in the Kunlun Mountains, myriad lofty sentiments”,Tianyi strides forward with high creative spirit.