佛山市创金达机械有限公司专业研究生产陶瓷、石材和石英石系列的切割机、圆弧抛光机、线条机、磨边机、磨边倒角机、包装等机械设备。是一家集陶瓷、石材、石英石设备研发、制造、销售及售后服务于一体的工贸一体化机械有限公司。拥有一批经验丰富的工程师,专业技术人员和售后服务队伍,并具备完善的机械加工能力。本公司秉承“精益求精,合作共赢”的经营理念,以“创金达,中国制造,成就人生,**世界”的战略目标,不断研发、制造和销售高技术含量、高品质的新产品以满足市场需求,使客户获得丰厚的回报。 Introduction CKD (CHUANGKINGDA) Machinery Co., Ltd is specialized in the research production of Ceramic 、stone 、quartz stone series of Cutting Machine, Arc-edge Polishing Machine, Squaring & Chamfering Machine, Multi-function polishing machine, Squaring & Chamfering Line etc mechanical equipment. It's a collection of ceramic equipment research and development, manufacturing, Sales and after-sales service in the integration of industry and trade integration of Machinery Co., Ltd. Has a group of experienced engineers , Professional and technical personnel and after sale service team, And has perfect machining capacity. The company adhering to the " refine on, cooperation and win-win" business philosophy, To “ChuangKingDa, Made in China, Success the life, Towards the world! ” Strategic goal, Constant research and development, Manufacture and sales of high technology content, High quality new products to meet market demand, Make the customer be richly rewarded. *的团队,*的执行力 没有执行力,就没有竞争力 思想有多远,你就能走多远 执行力不讲如果,只讲结果 小细节成就**管理者 知识是**者较大的资本 沟通重在换位思考 您的十分满意,CKD人的无限动力 不谋全局者不足谋一域 细节决定成败 境界决定世界 改变是痛苦的,不改变更痛苦 理念变,天地变,理念不变,原地转 志合者,不以山海为远 有梦想的民族才是伟大的民族,有梦想的团队才与众不同 今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好 *行快,众行远, 习惯感恩,一切都会渐入佳境 道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物 活在当下