上海蜀盾智能科技有限公司是专业从事智能化——消防安全技术,自动化技术的研发,智能化消防设备,安防设备的生产及销售!本着"安全为基础,安全作保证,管理要效益,创新求发展”的经营理念,秉承“厚直,慎独”的企业宗旨,以其先进的技术力量,以市场为导向,充分考虑客户的实际要求,适应不同工程,不同客户。公司引进德国高新技术,在市场上独具优势,产品大量应用于工业设备、电厂、通讯、厨房、楼宇、公路及其他行业重点工程项目中,并享有良好的声誉。我们是消防领域的后起之秀,但我们引领着中国的消防领域面向智能化发展! Shu shield Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is specialized in intelligent - fire safety technology, automation technology research and development, intelligent fire equipment, security equipment production and sales! With the purpose of "safety is the foundation and security guarantees, to benefit from the management, innovation for development" business philosophy, adhering to the "thick, straight, Shendu" of the enterprise purpose, to its advanced technical force, market-oriented, give full consideration to the customer's actual requirements, can be applied to different engineering, different customers. Company to introduce the German high-tech and unique advantage in the market, the products are widely used in industrial equipment, power plants, communications, kitchen, building, road and other key industries project, and enjoys a good reputation. We are the fire area but we led the bright younger generation, Chinese fire field oriented intelligent development!