百力仕(始创于1994年),是一家集科研开发、生产、销售、技术服务于一体的专业清洁用品服务机构。我们拥有大型的先进生产设备和大批经验丰富且善于创新的高级技术研发人才。工厂占地面积16亩,至今已经研发生产销售的清洁设备超过30多个类目,清洁剂超过600款,另有80多种清洁工具。我们的创新技术一直是业界技术水平的风向标,备受关注和借鉴,被誉为“中国着名品牌”、"行业百强企业"等等。 本公司坚持“品质第一、服务至上”经营理念,基于专业化的研发团队,先进的生产设备,严格的质量管理体系标准,以及全球化的发展战略,现隆重向各广大客户朋友推出高性价比的全新品牌“斑涤”,斑涤品牌现提供以下五大系列产品:洗衣房洗涤系列、日用清洁剂系列、石材护理系列、清洁机械系列、厨房清洁剂系列。 目前,斑涤与国内众多品牌星级酒店、物业公司建立了长期的合作关系,并在全国50多个城市建立集产品销售、技术支持、售后服务为一体的品牌营销体系,另于2013年“斑涤”产品已远销东南亚等国际市场,深受各方用户的喜爱。 展望未来,“斑涤”品牌将继续立足于为解决客户朋友的清洁需求,作为每一个新的出发点,不断革新产品技术,提升产品质量,完善售后服务体系,专注专业深耕于清洁行业,以打造民族品牌为目标,创造出更多适合客户需要的产品。为此我们在路上,诚愿与您携手共进,共创辉煌。 Guangzhou Bandi hotel cleaning products factory is a collection of development, scientific research, production and sales with the scale of professional in the hotel cleaning business. We have the large-scale advanced production equipment and large number of experienced technical staffs. Company in line with the spirit of "quality first" purpose, high performance/price ratio, and the production of polyester, brand series including laundry room, PA, kitchen cleaners and stone care products series, the manufacturing process of every aspect we have implemented strict quality monitoring, and set up in the country to set distribution, technical support and maintenance services in one of the network. Products cover more than 30 large and medium-sized cities, quality and cheap, by the consistent high praise.And in 2013 began to sell to southeast Asian countries.Nowadays, we based on excellent service and quality, we continue to expand a high-quality scientific research and marketing team, improve the quality of after-sales service, perfect sales network, strive to become the most professional level of cleaning products manufacturers at home and abroad.