上海毅茂装饰有限公司坐落于上海市奉贤区海湾镇,占地面积20000平米,是一家集设计、生产、销售批发、安装于一体的专业石膏装饰企业。专业生产各种玻璃纤维石膏装饰材料、高强的GRG装饰材料、GRC节能装饰材料、玻璃钢等绿色优质建材;有一批专业团队致力于承接大型商场、影剧院装饰工程;是国内生产设备最先进,生产规模最庞大,产品种类最齐全的石膏线、GRC、GRG建材生产企业之一。 秉持着开拓创新,追求卓越、不断创新的思路,使产品赢得了业内及广大客户的普遍认同和赞誉。旗下“银松”品牌石膏制品,具有表面细腻光洁、纹路清晰、立体等特性,并通过国家绿色环保认证的绿色环保产品。产品现已远销台湾、日本、澳洲、俄罗斯、美国等多个国家和地区;深受广大消费者的好评! 公司现已拥有银松品牌经销店百余家,覆盖上海、江苏(南通\海门\镇江)、浙江(温州\宁波\嘉兴)、江西(南昌\九江)、山东(青岛)等地,方便顾客就近选购。 公司承接了国际家居航母-【红星美凯龙】全国各地区(北京、上海、广州、天津、重庆、南京、成都、石家庄、沈阳、厦门、常州、绍兴、郑州、廊坊、济南、沈阳等)的石膏线工程,并获得广泛好评! 2010年上海世博会——BETER CITY BETER LIFE 我公司有幸参与装潢部分。公司承接了上海世博会城市足迹馆三层的石膏造型设计安装、世博轴的顶面和观景长凳的设计制作,以及巴基斯坦GRC外墙工程,这让每个银松人都倍感自豪和骄傲! 2013年完成了红星美凯龙吴中路至尊MALL外墙GRG风车造型工程项目、浦东红星美凯龙家居时尚广场GRG护墙板、GRG商场立柱、机器人区造型工程项目,受到业界的高度赞誉; 我们始终坚持“质量是企业的生命,创新是企业的动力,信誉是企业的未来”的理念,不断超越争创美好未来! 银松取谐音迎松:有接八方来客,广交四海朋友之寓意 银松的精神 也拥有包容、吸收、创新、升华的含义在里面。 每一个银松人都是来自五湖四海的,大家齐聚在这里,为了不同的梦想在这座城市打拼, 但是有共同的信念:银松品牌成就典范今天我以银松为荣 明天银松为我自豪! 公司宗旨:银松品牌-- 创新就是力量 品牌成就辉煌 银松人 迎客松的精神 道枝铁干郁葱葱 苍劲挺拔立巅峰 走出亚洲放眼全球 上海银松品牌石膏线 期待与您真诚合作! 欢迎广大客户多提意见使我们的产品日臻完美! Shanghai YiMao decoration co., LTD is located in gulf town of Fengxian district in Shanghai,with an area of 20000 square. It is a professional gypsum decoration enterprise with a set of mechanisms consists of design, production, sales and installation. With the coming of 21st century , The pursuit of Silver pine decoration is using latest achievement environment- friendly technology to serve human. Shanghai gypsum line of Silver pine brand has bright and clean surface , clear pattern, handsome appearance and strong stereoscopic. All product average already passed country quality intendance. Products have been exported to Taiwan, Japan, Australia, Russia, the United States and other countries and regions. They are praised by extensive consumers! Currently this company has 106 silver pine brand dealership in Shanghai,Jiangsu province (Haimen, Nantong, Zhenjiang), Zhejiangprovince(Wenzhou, Ningbo, Jiaxing), Jiangxi province(Nanchang, Jiujiang), Shandong province(Qingdao)and so on. Our company has undertaken the international beauty of household aircraft carriers - red star triumphant dragon areas across the country(Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Nanjing, Chengdu,Shijiazhuang, Shenyang, Xiamen, Quanzhou, Shaoxing, Zhengzhou, Jinan, etc.) of the gesso line project, and won wide acclaim! In 2013 completed the red star us triumphant dragon wuzhong road plays the supreme MALL exterior modelling GRG windmill project, pudong beauty of red star triumphant dragon home fashion square GRG clapboard, GRG MALL columns, robot modeling project, received high praise from the industry. In 2010 ,During the Shanghai Expo, the company undertook the European style design of three layers in The Shanghai world expo urban footprint pavilion ,undertook the design of the top of expo axis,made the Viewing benches, undertook the GRC project in Pakistan pavilion.Let everyone in Silver pine feel honored and proud! Our company always adhere to quality is the life of the enterprise, innovation is power, reputation is an enterprise′s future! Shanghai YiMao decoration co., LTD., look forward to sincere cooperation with you! 联系我们:电话:86- 传真:86- 邮编:201615 邮箱: 销售部地址:中国上海市闵行区七宝镇九星市场星港街60幢1~2号 奉贤分厂地址:上海市奉贤区浦星公路9901号 Tel:86- Fax: 86- Postcode: 201615 E-mail: Sales Office Address:No. 1~2 ,60 building, Star port street ,Shanghai Factory Address: No.9901, PuXing Rd, Shanghai Web:yinsongsg