山东金信新型建材有限公司是山东黄金集团有限公司全资子公司,是集石膏矿石开采、生产、营销、精深加工于一体的目前国内生产设备最先进、 生产规模最大 、产品种类最全的新型石膏制品企业之一。 Shandong Jinxin New Building Material Co., Ltd that belongs to Shandong Gold Group is one of worldwide advanced gypsum products manufactures. 公司位于国内最大的石膏存储基地--山东省平邑县境内,资产总额3.9亿元,占地260亩,现有员工1500人。公司拥有一座年产50万吨石膏矿石的现代化矿山(平邑华玉集团);一条年产3万吨α高强石膏粉生产线。其中,平邑石膏矿(平邑华玉集团)是由苏州非金属矿山设计院设计,目前我国石膏矿山生产能力最大、设备最先进、自动化程度最高的现代化矿山。 Shandong Jinxin New Building Material Co., Ltd is located in Pingyi County of Shandong Province where is the biggest base of gypsum deposit of China with total fixed assets of RMB 390 million. It covers an area of more than 170,000 M2 and has more than 1500 employees. 2003年公司投资9000万元从德国BSH公司引进、建设了一条年产4万吨湿法工艺,高纯度α石膏生产线,填补了国内该项石膏产品和加工技术装备两项空白,使我国石膏制品加工技术达到国际先进水平,生产的湿法工艺高纯度α-石膏系列产品,满足了国内医用模型材料(齿科材料),GRG材料,高档陶瓷、金属精密铸造需求,替代了该类产品进口,目前已有5个系列,十余种产品投放市场,市场前景十分广阔。 Our company invested more than 90 million RMB in 2003 to bring in a 40,000ton annual capacity wet process alpha hemihydrate production line from Germany,which was the first wet process in China and the third auto control wet line in the world. The high purity alpha plaster powder from this line has reached the first grade of international level, which is suitable to make dental plaster, high-grade ceramic moulding, precision casting, GRG product and other high requirement correlative products. 山东金信新型建材有限公司以追求“绿色环保"石膏新型材料为己任,依托丰富的天然石膏资源为基础,秉承厚重的沂蒙精神,以现代化的管理、超强的产品品质、世界一流的技术装备,竭诚为广大用户差异化的产品和卓越的售后服务,愿与天下有志之士精诚合作,携手共创二十一世纪的辉煌!