佛山市创芯节能设备有限公司【旗下品牌“顺芯科”】是一家专业的从事电磁感应加热技术研发、生产与销售为一体的高科技企业。拥有完全独立自主的核心技术,且形成了完整的产品体系,公司产品主要销往 全球 酒店厨房、部队、学校、医院、企业食堂等,且提供专业的厨房工程一体化设计服务。 公司主营的商用电磁炉积极响应国家号召,以其节能、高效、方便、安全、低能、环保,稳定的产品特点及人性化设计和美观耐用的产品优势,逐步成为传统 燃气炉,燃油炉的替代者,并深受广大用户的青睐。 多年来,“创芯公司”凭借着别出心裁的外观设计,过硬的产品质量,优质便捷的售后服务,打造出让客户“买得顺心,用的舒心”的优质产品。公司产品销往中国、俄罗斯、韩国、新加坡等众多国家,得到了客户一致的信任与好评。 我们的品质方针是:品质是价值与尊严的起点,没有品质就没有企业的明天! 我们对产品要求是:每天改善多一点,客户烦恼少一点! 展望未来,我们将以更严谨的管理,优质的产品,积极的服务赢得你的信赖和支持,竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户亲临参观指导,共同推动精诚发展,共创辉煌! Energy-efficient Equipment Limited Company is a high technology enterprise, which is engaged technically in research , production and marketing of heat-technique of electromagnetic induction. The company has independent core technology ,and complete product system , and offer specialized service for integration design of kitchen engineering, and the company`s products are saled to refectory of public house,armed forces,school,hospital and enterprise in global. On account of characteristic of saving energy, high performance, convenience, safety, environmental protection,stable,human nature design,attractive and durable,the company`s leading product——business electromagnetism stove is extremely favored by user, and replaces gradually traditionary Fuel oil stove and natural gas stove 。 For the past many years,depending on ingenious appearance design,excellent product quality,high-quailty and convenient post-sale service,The Shun-Xin-Ke Company made quality products which were satisfactory bought and leisurely used by the user。These products were selled in China,Russia,Republic of Korea and Singapore ,et al , and winned trust and favorable comment of all users. Our quality policy:the quality is starting point of value and dignity,no quality,no enterprise `s future ! Our request for product : the more improve everyday ,the fewer user`s worry! Look into the future, we will win user`s entrust and support depending on more scrupulous management, quality product, active service. we whole-heartedly welcome all customers visitting and directions, to push about collectively development, to create collectively the future !