泊头市睿辉除尘设备有限公司坐落于历史悠久的河北省泊头市,本公司主要经营除尘设备、布袋除尘器、除尘布袋、除尘骨架、电磁脉冲阀、星型卸料器、螺旋输送机等设备与配件。公司技术力量雄厚、设备齐全、生产检测能力强,主导产品是LYDZA 型布袋除尘器等系列产品,并可根据用户需求进行非标准设计和生产。 近年来承蒙各界朋友的友好合作和支持帮助,使我们公司有了新的发展,规模不断扩大,产品不断更新,品种不断增加,服务不断升级,我们公司全体员工将不负众望,按照公司“诚信为本、隆兴环保,质量经营,长期服务”的企业宗旨,采取科学化管理,建立完善质量管理和服务体系,使新老顾客对我们的产品更放心,对我们的服务更满意,和我们的合作更长远,对我们的发展更关注。 公司以全新的市场理念,建立以客户为中心的完善客户信息反馈系统,不断地改进,竭诚为广大新老客户服务。为了给环保事业多做贡献,生产高新技术的环保设备,我公司真诚希望与各科研院所合作开发,让祖国的天更蓝,水更清。 Company has strong technical strength, production equipment, detection ability, main products are LYDZA type bag filter and other products, and non-standard design and production according to the customer demand. Friendly cooperation and support from all walks of life friend in recent years, our company has a new development, scale is continually expanding, constantly updated products, increasing varieties, service upgrades, all employees of our company will deliver the goods, in accordance with the company "integrity-based, long Xing environmental protection, quality management, long service" of the enterprise purpose, take scientific management, establish a perfect quality management and service system, so that new and old customers with more confidence in our products, to our。