公司地址:中国 浙江 苍南县 龙港镇龙洲路785号
我公司是一家集生产加工、经销批发的一体化企业。公司创建于2003年,自创建以来,公司不断创新、发展,建筑生产面积已达5200个平方米,员工200人,研发部员工占了总员工的10%,其中高级技师有3位。 并且我司座落在**国内外的中国纺织城—浙江温州,优越的资源和丰富的经验,为我司产品的生产提供了优越的条件,以至于“博朗”这一品牌**了中国。 为了迎接新世纪、新经济文化的浪潮,我司继往开来,遵循'以创新为动力,以质量求生存,以信誉求发展'为理念;不断的开拓市场,并将市场推广到欧美、东南亚等世界各个国家,让“博朗”这一品牌再添活力。 本公司技术力量雄厚,生产工艺和设备先进。专业生产EVA、PE板箱包,牛津包、无纺布包。所生产的产品主要有:电脑包、手提包、公文包、商务包、休闲包、展业包等。 以'美观的设计、优质的品质、合理的价格、优良的服务',再迎新老客户的咨询和洽谈! Our company incorporates production, processing, marketing and wholesale into an organic whole. The company was founded in 2003, since its inception, our company continued innovating and developing, and has reached the production area of 5200 square meters, the staff of 200 people, and R & D employees accounted for 10% of the total employees, of which there are three high-level technicians. And our company is located in China’s Textile City - Wenzhou, Zhejiang, the superior resources and experience has provided favorable conditions for our products to such an extent that, the brand "Braun" is well-known in China. In order to meet the new century and the new waves of economy and culture, our company will insist the principle “Promote by innovation; Subsist on good quality; Develop on good reputation”, continue to develop new markets, and marketing to Europe and America, Southeast Asia, etc, to add more vitality to "Braun". Our company has strong technical strength, advanced production technology and equipment. We are specializing in the production of EVA, PE board bags, Oxford bags, Non-woven bag. The main products are: computer bags, handbags, briefcase, business bags, casual bags, trade show bags, shoulder bag and so on. With aesthetic design, high quality, reasonable price, and good service, we sincerely welcome old and new customers coming, calling to consult and negotiate!