佛山市天尧陶瓷有限公司原名佛山市南海区狮山金爵陶瓷有限公司,是一家专业开发生产建筑陶瓷的企业。从事陶瓷开发生产已近二十年之久。现有“仿古砖”、“抛釉砖”两大系列产品。公司原位于广东省佛山市南海区狮山大道,占地面积6万多平方米,地处国、省、市交通干道汇集点。由于环保节能等原因,工厂于2008年厂址搬迁至肇庆,于2010年6月正式改名为佛山市天尧陶瓷有限公司。 公司目前采用西德和意大利先进设备及技术,拼拥有大批优秀的专业人才。不但有着精湛的工艺,而且生产规模庞大,能满足不同消费者的需要。“金阳”现有仿古砖600X600、500X500、400X400、300X300等规格,并有300X600、300X300等规格的仿古梯级砖;“博爵”现有仿古砖300X300、600X600等规格。企业已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,其产品也达到了GB6556-2001《建筑材料射放性核素限量》标准A类要求,使用范围不受限制。公司所有产品均按照高于国家标准进行严格把关,检验合格才出厂。其“金阳仿古砖”被中国建筑装饰协会评为《十佳绿色品牌》;2003年“金阳”、“博爵”均被中国建筑材料企业管理协会评为《绿色环保信誉放心品牌》。安全、绿色、保环、并具有浓厚的文化色彩。是适合家居、酒吧、楼堂馆所等建筑的上等装饰建材。 天尧企业秉承“质量第一,用户至上”为宗旨,继承了人类的优良文化传统,吸纳了现代精深的科学技术,熔铸成独具特色的陶瓷文化。因此现公司产品不但遍及全国,而且远销世界各地。其产品质量及服务深受用户评。今后我们将以更好的产品和更优质服务献给大家,让大家都能享受到天尧特有的艺术生活。 Foshan Tianyao Ceramic Co. Ltd is one of professional factory which mainly produce all kind of floor tiles, we can provide matt ceramic tile, matt porcelain tile, polished porcelain tile and stair tile. Our regular size includinng 300*300mm, 330x330mm, 400*400mm, 450x450mm, 500*500mm, 600*600mm, 800x800mm. Foshan Tianyao Ceramic Co., Ltd is an enterprise specialized in developing and producing architectural ceramics, has engaged in architectural ceramics development and production for nearly 20 years. Now it owns two product brands: Jinyang and Bojue. The company is located in Foshan city, Guangdong province. It occupies an area of 60,000 square meters and it is situated in a place with convenient traffic where national, provincial and municipal traffic arteries joint. At present, the company uses German and Italian equipment and technology, has a large team of excellent professionals. It not only has exquisite workmanship, but also has large production scale, that enables it to satisfy all the requirements from different customers. Jinyang brand Archaistic tiles can be provided at present with following specifications: 600x600, 500x500 400x400, 300x300 etc. plus stair tiles with following specifications: 600x300 and 300x300; Bojue brand archaistic tiles can be provided at present with following specifications: 300x300, 600x600 and 800x800 etc. It products include all kinds of varieties and designs, including different kinds of center encaustic tiles, lined tiles, patterned tiles etc. The company has passed the ISO9001: 2000 International Quality System Certification, and its products meet the requirement of standard A in GB6566-2001 Constructional materials radioactive nuclide limit, therefore their use have no limit. All its production is carried out under strict quality control system and the products are inspected with a criterion higher than national standard before leaving factory. Jinyang Archaistic tile is evaluated as one of the Ten Green Brands by China Constructional Decoration Enterprises Association; Jinyang and Bojue brands are evaluated as Green Environment Friendly Creditable Brands by China Constructional Materials Enterprises Management Association in 2003. The products are safe, green, environment friendly, and featured with a rich nuance of culture. They are good decoration materials suitable for use in dwelling houses, bars, buildings, hotels, restaurants, guesthouses etc.