惠州博得Bode电子有限公司坐落于美丽的海滨城市广东惠州,厂房面积1500多平方米。专业的传感器生产厂家,集接近传感器,光电传感器,光栅传感器,光纤传感器,传感器连接线的生产、设计,研发于一体的经济实体。本公司拥有德国先进传感器技术及生产检测设备,及一批经验丰富的中高级职称的工程技术人员,建立了完善的生产管理和质量保证体系。 主要产品有:接近传感器,光电传感器,光栅传感器,光纤传感器,电感式传感器,电容式传感器,环形传感器,全金属传感器,耐高压传感器,耐高温传感器,耐低温传感器,超长检测距离传感器,超小型传感器,模拟量传感器,防爆安全接近开关,M14压力传感器,对射光电开关,M8、M12连接器等工控产品。 多年来我公司产品通过经销商或者OEM方式远销欧美中东及东南亚等二十几个国家,在国内外享有很高声誉。目前我厂拥有十几个系列数千种产品,广泛应用于航空航天、铁路、港口、冶金、矿山、机床、纺织、电梯、石油化工、印刷、包装、食等行业。公司所有产品符合CE和ROHS标识。 品质是生命,推动工业自动化发展是必得客公司同仁永远的承诺。北京必得客电子有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临我公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Bodesensor Co. Ltd. is located in a historic county - Daxing of Beijing City, China. The land area of our factory is 1500 square meters. Our company has been offering the customers with our creative of sensor projects in the wide industrial automatic filed. Biduk is becoming one manufacturer of the most famous & specializing brands on sensors’ productions in China nowadays. Because of our wide, professional and high technology products range: Inductive Proximity Sensor, Capacitive Proximity Sensor, Photoelectric Sensor and other controllers. All our products are designed & built strictly according to the international norms and conformity with CE marks & ROHS direction. Our products were fully extended into the European & American markets by our distributors in which, our products just directly replace the similar ones from the European, American, Japanese & other world-famous brands. Quality is our life and, to promote the development of industrial automatization has been basic tenets of the whole Biduk staff perpetually. 主营产品:接近传感器,光电传感器,光栅传感器,光纤传感器,电感式传感器,电容式传感器,环形传感器,全金属传感器,耐高压传感器,耐高温传感器,耐低温传感器,超长检测距离传感器,超小型传感器,模拟量传感器,传感器用连接器等工控产品。 Products: Inductive and Capacitive Proximity Sensor, Analog Switch, Ring Sensor, Photoelectric Sensors , High & Low Temperature Sensor, High Pressure Sensor, Long distance proximity sensor, Metal Face Switch, Light Curtain Sensor, Ultra-mini Switch, NAMUR Sensor,Fiber Optic Sensor and Amplifier, Connectors and Cables for Sensors