所属行业:机床 机械设备 橡塑机械
浙江省舟山市万达凯成机械厂是国内较早从事塑机部件制造的厂家。集生产加工、营销批发的、私营独资企业,机筒、螺杆、平行双螺杆、双孔机筒、哥林柱及筒易型挤出机械制造、钢司、齿轮减速箱是浙江万达凯成机械厂的主营产品。本厂凭着丰富的制造技术经验,通过不断引进的技术装备,以及严格的产品质量管理。历经十余年的发展,现已成为国内制造各类高品质螺杆、料筒及其附件的先进企业。 本厂现为国内外几十家大中型塑机制造厂家配套,拥有雄厚的技术力量,全套的现代化流水线,国内先进制造工艺、专业标准,精密制造产品达国家级标准。产品以设计、加工独特;品质优良;性价比优异等的优势,倍受广大整机厂商和塑料制品厂家的青睐和赞誉。 万达坚持“品质优秀、信誉第一、服务至上”的经营理念,并以“精益求精,开拓创新”的企业精神,愿与广大客户携手迸进,共创辉煌业绩。热诚欢迎各界前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。
本厂深刻秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾! Zhejiang Province Zhoushan Wan Dakai becomes the machine shop is domestic is engaged in early models the factory which machine the part makes. The collection production processing, the marketing wholesale, the privately operated Sole-source investment enterprise, the cylinder, the screw rod, the parallel double screw rod, the diplopore cylinder, elder brother Lin Zhu and the tube easy to squeeze out the machine manufacture, the steel department, the gear decelerator are Zhejiang Wan Dakai become the machine shop the main business product. This factory by reason of the rich technique of manufacture experience, through the technical equip which introduces unceasingly, as well as strict product quality management. After ten remaining years of life"s development, already became the home manufacture each kind of high quality screw rod, the material tube and the appendix Advanced enterprise.
加工方式 : 其他;
工艺 : 注塑/注射;吸塑成型;缠绕成型;挤塑/押出;吹塑成型;滴塑/微量射出;其它橡塑加工工艺;橡胶成型工艺;滚塑/旋转成型;搪塑/冷凝;
产品质量认证 : 其他;
品牌名称 : WD
质量控制 : 第三方