广州地一过滤设备有限公司是专业生产袋式过滤器和过滤袋的厂家,有多年专业生产过滤产品和资深开发有着丰富的经验,让各行业广大用户得到充分肯定和赞赏;我们的产品有高度的个性化,真正满足到每个客户的不同需求,并且对产品不断进行优化和开发;我们成功开发的袋式过滤器、芯式过滤器、过滤袋及过滤芯系列产品,经技术监督,卫生监督和环境保护等部门检测,在使用效果和技术指标等,都属于国内领先地位。 公司技术力量雄厚,经过多年的努力,公司已经在石油化工、光伏、涂装、汽车、新能源、树脂、涂料、油墨、食品饮料、电子、制药、水处理、金属加工等十几个行业的产品过滤方面成功积累了具有丰富的专业经验。产品品种齐全,带到不同行业进行全面推广与应用。 同时公司积极与国内外领先专业过滤公司在产品、技术、应用经验等方面加强合作。目前公司经营的专业过滤产品除袋式过滤器外,同时兼营塑胶过滤机、微孔精密过滤机、离心式过滤机、自动反清洗过滤器等系列产品。 “客户至上、精益求精”是我们的服务宗旨,公司将进一步以市场为先导、技术为后盾、管理为保证,向广大用户提供全方位服务,愿与国内外同行携手合作、共创未来! 广州地一过滤设备有限公司 英文版 Guangzhou latt filter equipment Co., ltd. Is a high-tech enterprise, which specializes in the research, development, sale of different types of filters. Both our filters technical indicators and utilization effects are at the leading positions domestically according to the departments of technical supervision, hygiene supervision and environmental protection of Chinese government and Guangzhou municipal administration as well. We are well specialized in the filtration solution to the industries such as petrochemicals, paint, beverage, electronic, pharmacy, water treatment, metal processing, etc. We can now provide more than ten kinds of hydraulic fluid power-filters, including pneumatic diaphragm pump, bag filters, sealed high-efficient filters of- mode, polypropylene bag filters, titanium micro filters, horizontal blade filters, etc. We will introduce more and more foreign popular filters such as advanced pneumatic diaphragm pumps and hose pumps in an effort to meet all needs of the worldwide market.