营口沃飞斯节能科技有限公司成立于2007年,位于辽宁营口沿海五点一线经济圈生产基地,注册资金1000万,生产基地占地面积5万余平,一期厂房12000平米,二期厂房10000平米,公司现有员工500余人,日产量5000平,是一家自主研发、生产、设计、安装为一体的企业。公司已有专利技术十一项,多种聚氨酯建筑保温产品,主营产品为硬泡聚氨酯保温装饰一体化复合板材;太阳能集热幕墙、整体层间挂板系统等新产品将陆续问世。 Yingkou Wall Face Master Co., Ltd., founded in 2007, is located in the coastal economic circles of Liaoning province, covering more than 50 thousand square meters. The first phase of the workshop covers 12 thousand square meters, and the second phase covers 10 thousand square meters. WFC has more than 500 employees, and daily output can reach 5000 square meters. WFC has registered capital of 10 million Yuan (RMB). WFC specializes in researching and developing, manufacturing, designing, and installing diversified Polyurethane insulating building material. The main product is Rigid Polyurethane Insulating Decoration Composite Panels. WFC has received 11 patents. Solar curtain wall and hanging panels will come out in succession. 沃飞斯以雄厚的技术实力、一流的设计和研发人员形成了一套完善的管理服务体系,销售网络遍及全国。自公司成立以来,沃飞斯注重新技术、新工艺、新设备的开发及应用,同国内外多家专业公司保持着长期稳定的技术、业务合作关系。我公司保温装饰一体化产品,完全符合《民用建筑节能条例》关于节能环保的要求。体系的燃烧性能符合公安部《民用建筑外保温系统及外墙装饰防火暂行规定》(公通字【2009】46号)要求,并通过了国家防火建筑材料质量监督检验中心检测,取得了防火性能A级检验报告。 WFC has formed a perfect management and service system based on our strong technical strength, excellent designers and R&D staff. And the sales network covers the whole country. Since the establishment of the company, WFC has given priority to the development and application of new skills, new technology, and new equipment, and kept long and steady relations in technology and business with professional companies home and abroad. The WFC products totally conform to the Civil Construction Energy Saving Regulations. The Combustion of the system conforms to the Civil Building Exterior Insulation System and Exterior Decoration Fire Protection Provisional Regulations ([2009]46), which have passed the test by the National Fireproof Construction Material Quality Supervision Inspection Center, and the fireproof grade is A. 公司成功完成了辽宁省暨沈阳市既有公共建筑建设节能改造示范工程—辽宁省建设科学研究院综合试验楼节能改造工程、济南移动外墙保温装饰工程、大连山海云天外墙保温装饰工程、沈阳“东方·威尼斯”二期外墙保温装饰工程、陕西暖山康城外墙保温装饰工程、南京聚锦园外墙工程等项目。凭借WFC产品极佳的节能性、安全性、防火性和建筑装饰适用性,赢得了施工单位和业主的赞誉,被评为“辽宁省AAA级信用企业“、“全国建筑节能推荐产品”、“中国绿色、环保、节能建材产品”,并获得了建设部颁发的全国应用推广证书以及众多省份的应用推广证书。 WFC has accomplished the model construction of the energy-saving recons