公司地址:中国 广东 深圳市宝安区龙华镇东环一路中泰科技园3栋803
深圳市速翔科技有限公司位于**产业之都深圳,是一家专业研发生产适用于航模、车模、船模的无刷电机、无刷电调以及模型配件的**企业。 速翔科技遵循严格的质量控制标准,追求产品品质的较优化。同时,我们根据客户的差异化需求,不断丰富产品种类、优化产品组合、完善产品功能、提升产品质量,为客户提供较专业的产品和服务。产品技术指标均符合环保(ROHS)和CE认证,“速翔”品牌无刷电机以其**强的稳定性及耐高温的特性已**海内外。 速翔坚持”以人为本,诚信经营,质量求生存,服务求发展“的企业理念,”让客户满意“是速翔人永恒的追求。 速翔科技——致力于打造中国较具影响的电机品牌! Shenzhen SUXFLY Technology Co., Ltd located in the high-tech city Shenzhen, is a high-tech enterprise which produce brushless motor,brushless ESC & some accessories applied to model car,model ship,model plane. SUXFLY executes strict quality-control standards, According to customer's individual requirements, we continuously extend product's category, improve functions, and optimize quality in order to provide the most professional product and our products meet ROHS and CE certification,with the excellent stabilization &high quality UHT,"SUXFLY" motor become more and more popular in the world. SUXFLY insist the conception "people foremost,operate with integrity, live on quality,develop by service ","Customer satisfaction" is the ever lasting endeavor of SUXFLY people. SUXFLY technology---dedicated to make the most influencial motor brand!