中山市维纳思家具有限公司是一家集产品设计、研发、生产、销售于一体的中高档办公系列家具制造企业;地处交通便利、环境优美、曾获联合国“人居奖”殊荣的伟人故里中国广东省中山市。 产品以高档安全的铝钛金属框架和环保的网、皮、布等材料搭配组合,安装拆卸快捷方便,其主要部件全部在工厂内部完成加工生产。 “Vinus”产品无论从外观设计、使用寿命、环保指标、安全性能等方面均按国际标准打造,让每一位“Vinus”顾客买着放心、看着舒心、用着安心。 Zhongshan Vinus Furniture Co.,Ltd is an office furniture manufacturing enterprise which specializes in producting design,development,production and sales. Our products are composed of high-grade aluminum&titanium security frame,and the environmental quality of mesh,leather,fabric and other materials. Installtion and disassemble is easy and main components of all internal were porduced in the factory so as to approve the stable quality effectively. Regardless of "Vinus" design,life time,environmental indicators,or security properties are built to international assure "Vinus"customers burying comfortable and easily.