广州市北斗星汽车用品有限公司是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。公司创建于2004年,坐落在享有“中国汽车用品第一街”的永福路。公司目前拥有自主品牌:北斗星--贴膜工具系类;NETPA-专业汽车精洗设备;好易洁--洗车毛巾,海绵制品,护理系列;洗刷宝--洗车、家庭清洁刷系列;“新派XinPai”无尘布、美容耗材等系列产品。工厂生产批发,承接OEM订单,热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。 广州北斗星永福公司(永福汽配城一楼43档,电话:) 广州北斗星盛大公司(盛大国际2楼37档,电话) 广州北斗星利远公司(利远汽车用品广场5楼29档,电话:) Guangzhou Automobile Co., Ltd. is a Big Dipper by the relevant state registration of enterprises. Founded in 2004, is located in the enjoyment of ";First Street of China automotive supplies, ";the Yongfu Road. Production and management company, ";Big Dipper "; film tools, test instruments, the ";good and easy to clean";car wash towels, ";Po wash"; brushes, ";new style XinPai "; clean cloth, textured paper products. Warmly welcome friends to visit, study, business negotiations. Factory production, wholesale, to undertake OEM orders 品牌名称 : 北斗星+净霸