上海晶日太阳能科技公司()是一家专门从事太阳能发电系统生产、设计和安装的专业公司,公司拥有一批高学历、经验丰富的光伏专业技术人才,为国内光伏电站建设和家用发电系统提供一整套较优化的解决方案,、公司同时还生产支架系统、太阳电池板、太阳能灯具等太阳能系列产品。产品具有安全可靠、维护方便、绿色环保、美观典雅等特点。广泛应用于家用、企业、道路、广场、公园、住宅小区、体育场馆、庭院、工厂、家庭花园等场所。公司已通过ISO09001: 2000质量管理体系认证及国际CE、IEC61215、TUV及UL证书,多次荣获省,市科技奖励。现产品已经**美国、欧洲、非洲和东南亚等地区,并在国际市场中享有良好声誉。 良好的环境,尖端的技术,*的人才,先进的设备,现代化的管理必将使晶日太阳能科技公司的产品惠及广大消费者。 公司拥有一支**、经验丰富的太阳能系统工程安装队伍和一支精干的销售队伍,集多年销售、服务经验,真诚为顾客服务。我们的宗旨是:开发、制造多种高质量的绿色能源应用产品,在激烈的市场竞争中不断创新,为中国的腾飞照亮光明大道,为世界环保事业作贡献,为人类社会营造优美环境。 Shanghai Suns Solar technology Co.,Ltd specializes in the research, production and sales of solar modules, solar systems and solar lights. Over the past several years, Suns keeps on its own fast developing strategy and aims the improvement of international management, marketing and development. Suns have got certificates of ISO, IEC, CE ,VDE and TUV. solar has established a global reputation for high quality, customer service and reliable PV products. This reputation for high quality and customer service has resulted in significant global sales growth. Suns currently has major customers in China,Spain,Germany,North and South America and the African countries. Our reliability and persistence come from years of working to the needs in all places throughout the world.