所属行业:家具 原木家具 东北原木家具
菏泽瑞博木制工艺有限公司位于全国最大的木材加工基地,山东曹县——桃源镇,公司建于1997年,建筑面积近5000平方米,100余名员工,其中技术人员10人,公司依靠当地丰富的原材料资源,及数年的生产经验,精密的设备,雄厚的技术力量,在商业界有着良好的信誉。“以诚为本”、“信誉第一”“质量第一”“服务第一”的经营理念,与国内外客户建立了良好的合作关系,公司主要生产:涂泥门套线,踢脚线,木线条,装饰画,无框画,有框画,油画框、画架,画板,内框,画框条,木盒,木制相框,镜框,桐木拼板、指接板、集成材)松木拼板、指接板、集成材)杨木拼板、指接板、集成材)家具(桐木家具、松木家具)工艺品(画笔盒、面条盒、首饰盒、被架)(杉木板).多层板.细木工板.等, 瑞博公司全体职工热忱欢迎您的惠顾,共谋发展! Established in 1997,Heze Ruibo Wooden Crafts Co.Ltd is a professional manufacture&exporter of wooden frames and wooden crafts .We also manufacture and process timber and plank and plywood and finger joint of paulownia,poplar ,pine fir and so on. We export 80% of our frames and wooden products to the USA ,England .HK ,India and many other countries . Our company has rich experience in wooden products.We have 50 employees and a team of ten highly skilled workers is specially engaged in the checking of production and quality assurance . Our company enjoys high reputation in the international markets for its high quality production and efficient service . we sincerely wish to cooperate with more and more customers!
加工方式 : 来样加工;来图加工;
工艺 : 建材开槽;其他礼品加工工艺;包装;铣槽;建材组装;锯切;干燥;研磨抛光;锯割;磨削;铣切;涂胶;面漆;底漆;灰砂;开料;
品牌名称 : 瑞博
质量控制 : 内部