佛山市乐琪杰建材有限公司(前称 佛山市顺德区成大卫浴具有限公司)是多功能豪华电脑蒸汽房,豪华电脑按摩缸,高档整体房的生产企业。拥有两个品牌:杜勒和好运。公司引进德国先进的生产技术并吸收了一批优秀的技术人才,具有雄厚的产品开发能力。我们还可以根据客户的要求开发新产品。 本着产品创新,品质至上为企业的原动力,设计匠心*到,生产注重每个细节,开发的产品款式新颖,做工精细,线条流畅,美观大方,较富时代感。 本公司在生产流程中采用德国先进的质量控制程序,同时还建立了较严格的原材料和配件质量保证体系。产品经过严格的质量检测、安装调试及售后服务跟踪等环节。并依照科学的方法进行严格控制,公司本着“以市场为导向,以顾客为**”的宗旨进行经营管理, 所有产品获得CE 和 RoHs认证。 佛山市乐琪杰建材有限公司拥有一支充满生机活力的营销队伍,积极拓展国内外市场。至今,行销网络遍布国内大、中城市,产品**东南亚、中东及欧美等国家和地区. 公司以诚为本,以信为道,秉承锐意进取的开拓精神,面向未来,面向国际,诚邀世界各地经销商共同发展。 Foshan luckyjet bath building materials Co., Ltd.(the former as Sital bathroom sanitary ware Development · grow).It is a specialist on manufacturing deluxe style multi-functioned steam rooms and massage bathtubs with computer control system, as well as high quality shower rooms and shower enclosures. With the advanced technologies introduced from Germany, together with our team of experienced and skillful technicians, we enjoy strong power on product development. We can also design according to customer"s request. Quality first and innovation has always been our prime mover. With state-of-the-art design on the products, attention to details during production, our product range is well recognized as its fashionable appearance and extraordinary workmanship. Following to the advance quality control system from Germany, Setting up strictly logistic supply control system, We organize according to the principle of “ Guide by the market,customer is the God”,we have got the CE and RoHs certificate. Our business is built on the principles of trust, honesty and confidence. We sincerely invite distributors around the world to join us and become one of us to benefit from our synergistic team! 加工方式 : 来图加工; 工艺 : 其他建材加工工艺; 产品质量认证 : 其他; 品牌名称 : 好运/杜勒 质量控制 : 内部