广州荣发汽配五金有限公司是一家集设计、生产和销售为一体的专业汽车雨刷器制造厂。主要生产各种汽车用雨刷:无骨雨刷、三节式雨刷、各种**特殊雨刷定做等。 公司引进国际先进的生产和检测全套自动化设备,拥有统一生产流水线,采用世界先进切割技术,从钢板冲压,到胶条生产,一条龙完成生产,运用现代力学、空气学、声学、光学等个性化设计理念,完全自主设计研发汽车雨刮片,产品质量上乘、外形美观大方,刮净度好,清晰度高,去污性强,耐磨性好,使用寿命长; 公司拥有独立的设计研发团队,根据不同要求设计客户所需产品,有别于大部分组装加工的厂家,从而大大的节约了其中的原料成本,更充分的让利客户,而且生产可以得到很好的控制,较大的提高了产品的稳定性,在这里您一定可以找到您所需要的一款产品。 我们产品技术含量高,制造工艺*特,质量稳定可靠,雄厚的技术实力受到了许多国外**汽车零部件企业的青睐。在汽车雨刷行业声誉**,是国内许多汽车公司的主要或少见配套商。 公司本着客户**、共建双赢的经营理念,质量保证、不断创新的服务宗旨,努力为客户提供高质量的专业化产品和服务,以真诚和精品赢得他们的尊重和信赖。 本公司将一如既往以较优质的雨刷器奉献于整车行业,使我们成为产业的**者,顾客可以选择的业务配套与合作伙伴,致力打造成业内*的民族品牌! Guangzhou Auto hardware Rongfa is a set design, production and sales as one of professional car wiper factory. The main production of various automotive boneless wipers: wipers, three wipers, a variety of special wipers customized. Introduction of international advanced production and testing of a full set of automation equipment, production lines have unified the world advanced cutting technology, production from steel stamping to the strip, one-stop complete production, the use of modern mechanics, air, acoustics, optics, personalized design concept, completely independent design and development of automotive wiper blades, product quality, elegant appearance, good scrape, high-definition, strong decontamination, good abrasion resistance and long service life; The company has an independent R & D team, the customer required products according to the different requirements of design, different from most of the assembly process manufacturers, thereby greatly saving the cost of raw materials, a fuller sharing client, and production can be well control, greatly improve the stability of the product, where you can find a product you need. 品牌名称 : 铁王.IRON-KING 仓库 1 : 地址:广州 - 广州 广州市越秀区 代理级别 : 全国总代