所属行业:泵阀 阀 调节阀
宁波市镇海区涛鑫金属制品有限公司是一家生产吹尘枪,充气枪,胎压枪,气动工具,气动元器件,工具,锁具,以及锌合金产品的企业。本着求实创新、开拓进取的精神,公司建立了完善的现代企业管理制度,塑造优秀的企业文化,鼓励企业员工不断创新技术,提高员工的自身业务素质。由于严把产品生产环节的成本控制,因此产品拥有更强的价格优势。与很多厂家建立了长期合作关系,保证货源的稳定性。我们竭诚为客户提供满意的产品与周到的服务。追求卓越,诚信服务是我们奋斗的目标。我们全体工作人员将以出色的产品,热情的服务,回馈您的信任和惠顾。 Ningbo Zhenhai Tao Xin Metal Products Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of blow guns, pneumatic guns, tire pressure guns, pneumatic tools, pneumatic components, tools, locks, and zinc alloy products. The spirit of innovation, pioneering spirit, the company has established a perfect modern enterprise management system, create excellent corporate culture that encourages employees innovative technology to improve the quality of their business employees. Due to strict cost control aspects of the production, so the product has a stronger price advantage. With many manufacturers to establish a long-term relationship, to ensure the stability of supply. Our dedication to provide customers with products and attentive service. The pursuit of excellence, integrity and service is our goal. Our entire staff will be excellent products, friendly service and repay your trust and patronage.
加工方式 : OEM加工;来图加工;来料加工;来样加工;来料代工加工;ODM加工;手工加工;其他;
工艺 : 金属铸造;金属冲压;表面处理;组装;机加工;包装吸塑;电镀;金属旋压;注塑/注射;研磨抛光;冷成型;热处理;管类;涂装;塑胶成型;模具制造;模具加工;雕刻、打号;金属线材成型;
质量控制 : 内部