深圳市奥松自动化设备有限公司(以下称奥松自动化)成立于2004年,是一家高新技术产业的科技尖端公司.主要从事于自动化产品的研发﹑生产和销售服务.以诚信为本,以科技﹑降低用人成本为已任,这是奥松为人捷持的核心价值观. 奥松自动化的产品已广泛用于电子﹑光电﹑汽车﹑工艺品﹑饰品﹑建材﹑厨具﹑玩具等各生产制造行业,为客户解决了生产效率低﹑工艺质量差﹑劳动强度大等生产企业遇到的核心问题. 公司主要产品为全自动点胶设备﹑全自动灌胶设备﹑全自动锁螺丝机设备﹑全自动焊锡设备及自动化流水线等非标设备.精益求精﹑完善服务﹑永无止境追求高品质是奥松的品质政策,也是我们的立厂之本. Shenzhen SongAo Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd found in 2004,is a high tech industry leading technology company focusing on developing, producing and sale for all kinds of automation equipment. Our company core value and duty is integrity-based and reducing working cost for clients by high tech. Automation equipment made by our company is widely used in the range of electronic, optoelectronics, automobiles, crafts, jewels, building materials, kitchen utensils, toys etc. And our main products are Automatic Dispensing Equipment, Automatic Glue Pouring Device, Automatic Screw Locking Machine, Automatic Soldering Equipment and so on. Constantly Striving for Perfection, Perfect Service to Customer and Pursuit of High-quality without end is SongAo’s quality policy and company foundat