上海乘雷是一家专注于研发、销售老北京布鞋的专业公司。旗下主营 【四合院】 和 【朵舞】 品牌 老北京布鞋。 公司以实体*为主要销售渠道。公司统一*商的产品价格,品牌形象,给予多方位的技术支持。力争开一家,成功一家! 我司要求每季度开发出的新款产品100余款,同时也可以根据客人的要求开发新产品,为维护客户的利益,未经客户书面许可,我方不会泄露信息给任何不相关的第三方。 我司以“具有竞争性的价格和优质高效的服务”赢得客人赞誉。是理想的送礼、促销佳品。 随着国内人们生活品质的要求不断提高,我司产品越来越为人们所认同,我司为挖掘国内市场的巨大潜力,于今年启动品牌战略。现诚征国内有实力的合作伙伴一起开发市场。 热忱欢迎海内外客户洽谈,如果您有任何疑问或建议,欢迎来电来函垂询。 Welcome to visit our website! ShangHai ChenLay Trading Co.,Ltd is urgently looking for partner as our sole agent to expand our overseas market. We engaged in develop and sale comfortable fabric shoes since 2005, and with good quality and services, our owned brand ";四合院"; (";S.H.Y";) has been successfully accepted by consumers. And to enrich our product ranges, we have registed a new brand “朵舞"; (DoWoo) in 2012 , ";Dowoo"; is focus on developing and saling embroidary fabric shoes. it has tradictional Chinese elements and with its comfortable wearing experiences, we believe both S.H.Y and Dowoo will be a famous shoe-brand in China market, and now we are looking for sole distributor to develop our overseas market. we offer very good policy as long as you have abilities to expand markets in a short time. Welcome to visit our headquarter in Shanghai and sincerely hope we will have a long term and harmony co-operation in near future.Thank you! 品牌名称 : 四合院 仓库 1 : 地址:上海 - 上海 上海市嘉定区