本公司成立于2003年,9年阿里巴巴诚信通会员,是一家专门生产、开发 “纺粘无纺布”、“塑料包装”、“环保袋” 制品的先进企业,始终以";质量第一,客户第一";的宗旨,为客户提供优质的产品和良好的服务。 The company was founded in 2003, 9 years Alibaba TrustPass members, is specializing in the production, development of ";spunbond non-woven fabrics";, ";plastic packaging";, ";bags"; product of the advanced enterprises, always with ";quality first, customer first"; purpose, for customers to provide quality products and good service. 公司始终致力于产品的研发、生产,为客户提供卓越的产品和服务,实现客户价值最大化。一直以来,公司专注于无纺布、编织袋、环保袋 领域深耕细作,积极培育企业核心竞争力,通过对品质的不懈坚持和不断的技术创新,产品在质量、安全、环保等方面遥遥领先于市场,为适应客户的差异化需求提供满意的解决方案。凭借丰富的行业经验和对市场与产品的深刻理解,瑞安恒丰将继续固守核心主业,推进产品质量一号工程,高度重视产品创新和人才培养,通过全体团队成员的不懈努力,确保在行业内的领先地位。 The company has always been committed to product development, production, to provide customers with excellent products and services, to achieve maximum customer value. Has been, the company focused on the non-woven fabric, woven bag, environmental protection bag field plough, actively cultivate the core competitiveness of enterprises, through the quality of unremitting persistence and the continuous technological innovation, product in terms of quality, safety, environmental protection and ahead in the market, to provide satisfactory solutions to meet the different needs of customers. With a wealth of industry experience and deep understanding of market and product, Ruian Hengfeng will continue to stick to the core business, to promote the quality of the products, engineering, attaches great importance to product innovation and personnel training, through the unremitting efforts of all team members to ensure that in the industry leading position. 经过多年的经验积累,公司的技术工艺,质量管理水平都日趋完善,获得 中国质量信用 ";AAA"; 级企业、并通过“质量安全QS”认证、获得2013、2014年塘下亩均税收50强、瑞安市包装协会副会长等。 公司严格执行《国家标准》生产。注册资本壹佰伍拾万元 。 加工方式 : 来样加工;来图加工; 工艺 : 手工编织加工;纺纱加工; 产品质量认证 : 其他; 品牌名称 : 恒丰 质量控制 : 内部