广州德福制服厂是一家集设计、生产、销售为一体的制服生产企业,自设厂房及多家销售制服专营店.从1992年建厂以来,一直秉承以专业创新的理念致力于各行业制服的研发和设计.工厂具有雄厚的生产实力,并有一批专业的研发、设计、生产和营销团队.工厂引进了一批国外先进生产设备和技术,凭借生产中采用优质的面料、流畅的版型和精湛的工艺,为国内外企业塑造个性化、功能化的企业形象. 职业服装是企业团体的“名片”.时尚得体的职业服装,优雅的工作环境和标准规范的服务质量,这三点构成了企业文化及精神面貌的**统一.对提高企业的**度,促进销售和增强企业凝聚力大有裨益. “诚信、专业、质量、创新”是我们的服务理念.“客户的满意”是我们的服务宗旨.并为客户提供了优质的售前售后服务. 我们的产品**国内外,国外市场主要有欧洲、美洲、东南亚、中东、非洲等国外市场.一直以来**国内外客户的一致**,并与我们保持长期友好的合作关系. 热烈欢迎国内外客户来看厂并与我们建立长期友好的合作关系! The Guangzhou Defoe Uniform Factory is an uniform specialist enterprise integrated with the design,the production and the sales, it owns the workshops and several sales firms for uniform’s professional producing and its foundation in 1992,it has been dedicated to the R & D of the uniforms for various sectors,with the philosophy of profession and factory has abundant producing ability, and also has several professional work teams for researching、 designing、producing and factory has absorbed imported advanced equipments and using high quality fabrics、the smooth board patterns and the exquisite techniques,it has created the customized and functional enterprise images for many enterprises at home and abroad. Professional uniform is “name card” of workteams in and decent unifo