广州嘉瑜装饰材料有限公司,始创于2009年,下辖广州嘉瑜窗帘厂(厂址:东莞市中堂镇斗朗雅兰六巷7号),专门生产各种卷帘、木百叶帘、垂直帘、罗马帘、布艺开合帘、天棚帘、风琴帘及户内外电动遮阳帘等产品,产品全部采用中高档原材料,工艺精益求精,是一家集设计、生产、营销、安装于一体的专业化窗帘遮阳装饰公司。 本公司有着严密的管理和质量体系,在承接各大中型户内外电动手动遮阳工程方面有较为丰富的经验。经过6年的厉兵秣马,现已发展成为批发、工程直销、卖场直销为一体的综合性经营模式,形成以广东为中心,辐射全国大部分地区的营销服务网络。产品部分销往韩国、澳大利亚、加拿大、叙利亚、安哥拉、巴勒斯坦、印度、柬埔寨、马来西亚等国家,并获得用户一致**。 公司秉承:“以质量求生存,以创新求发展”的企业宗旨,为用户提供优质的产品、*的服务,使“嘉瑜”成为广大消费者心中值得信赖的品牌。我们愿与广大朋友携手共创美好未来! 我公司,产品选择面广,物美**,公司可安排人员上门设计安装,欢迎新老客户来电咨询 ,我公司将竭诚为您服务! 名称:广州嘉瑜窗帘装饰材料有限公司 工厂地址:东莞市中堂镇斗朗雅兰六巷7号 广州展厅:广州市天河区东圃镇黄村王园路15号A229 番禺展厅:广州市番禺区迎宾路万博中心吉盛伟邦国际建材馆C3087铺 Guangzhou JiaYu Decoration Materials Co., founded in 2009, under the jurisdiction of Guangzhou JiaYu Curtain Factory (Address: No. 7 Lane six Yalan, Doulang,Zhongtang town,Dongguan City), specializes in the production of various shutter, wooden venetian blinds, vertical blinds Roman blinds, fabric curtain opened, ceiling screens, organ screens and indoor and outdoor electric sunshade and other products, all products using high-grade raw materials, process excellence, is a specialized curtain shade design, production, marketing, installation in one of the decoration company. ???????? The company has a strict management and quality systems, there is a wealth of experience in undertaking medium-sized indoor and outdoor electric sunshade engineering manual. has now developed into a wholesale, engineering, direct marketing, direct sales stores for an integrated business model, the formation of Guangdong as the center, radiation most of the country's marketing network. Products sold part of South Korea, Australia, Canada, Syria, Angola, Palestine, India, Cambodia and other countries, and access to users praise.